Subbing morale for moral, in some eyes is a Truth; oft we Muricans are ever so willing to choose the latter - to give the solipsistic appearance$ of the former. And to make $$ - via any means possible. Then dissemble most sanctimoniously.

But I doubt that this sub was other than a mondegreenish sorta thang..

As to the substance - Hey! *ANY* sign of a Murican Pol akshully taking steps to implement a Principle .. would be revolutionary. [It happens. Rarely, of course]
Thing is, you don't ever get to find out If You Don't Give Him [and soon, I hope: Her] A Chance - for all good reasons of despising the shenanigans of immediate predecessor and coterie of fawning yes-men.

(whether or not a given 'He' mouthed his campaign-BS cuthlessly - -
Unifier not a divider;
No Nation building;
Ed-ja-Kayshun ...
cha cha cha)

On this particular topic though, and in the End:
Physics Rulez.

Hydrogen is a no-winner overall - production (via fossil-fuels for a very long time), storage, conversion -- usage by a vast dim-witted majority of folk who still manage to kill selves with just gas mains and via wearing no seat belts and.. and..

You Can't Just 'Move-Energy-Around' and call that: Progress.
*HABITS* of generations of inculcated shibboleths that amount to,
Waste-is-Good-for-Bizness Sellin-the-Stuff-You Waste --

This mindset won't erase any quicker than will,

War Is Good [for] Bizness; Invest Your Son [now Daughter, too]
.. by inference, interrupt seriously, the Religo-based millennia of Warz.

Somewhere along the line, we appear to need to Grow Up else Blow Up.
And THAT will be HARD. Much less than 50-50 on that one IMho.

Hope is On the Way
(whatever Physics sez)

er, cha cha cha