Re: Your fear tells all.
"Because refusing to submit to security, in an airport, is incredibly stupid."
But you claimed that nothing would happen.
Yep, I did. I'm still pretty sure that's the case.
But you know that something would happen.
Nope. Not worth taking the chance that something might. But you're right. There's always a chance that I might be the Object Lesson of the day.
You know nothing of my "fear"s. Continue with the insults, and they will be returned, with interest compounded.
I have nothing to gain by such an act. Further, it would be rude and arrogant and insulting, and I'd damn sure be bothered as hell by some SOB such as yourself doing it.
So there's lots of downsides, not the least to my integrity. Fear's not a part.
I'm not political, and have *nothing* to gain. I don't want my name in the paper, I don't "win" in any confrontation. Unlike your subject here.
Now, the funny part, is you're so black and white here. But over in that other forum, when presented with B&W evidence contrary to your statement, you aren't.
Like I said initially, there's not a sharp edge on "rights' when it comes to lots of people, and the modern world. We've given them up, and for the most part, gained much more than we lost.
You can't walk down the interstate, legally, or bicycle down it - but its a public road. If its the only road between where you are and where you want to be, you still can't get on it, without a approved vehicle.
An *analogous* situation. You "lost" the right to progress down a public way.
The original statement by you, was due to some problem, yet undetermined the truth of that, in security, she was denied boarding. The reasons for that ability are the protection of other people's rights - something you're ignoring, totally.