Yes, this 'case' and that recent one of the Sac. reporter (eventually apologized to. Eventually.) may.. be the Red Herring which some here are just as quick to jump-to (as others to jump away from). It's so far anecdotal.
Naturally the sense of it all won't become Revealed Truth for those of a certain faith: until there are tabulated statistics to deconstruct.
I'll wait. We'll see. Rationalization is always such fun - til *you* are the one transgressed (but then - *you* don't fully qualify as a stat! just a datum. Remember that.)
not even a datum; ouside 1 SD in most cases.
PS - anyone recall the er 'middle-Eastern-looking' gent (in a suit IIRC?) bounced from a flight a while back? by the Pilot because: some passengers were 'nervous' and so was he.
Choose then: assuage the mob without reservation and in every case of 'nervousness' / kiss personal Valuez goodbye. OR give benefit of doubt to the individual and his/her *actual behavior* and er 'dis-armamant found?'- and trade an imagined 'risk' (that surely SomeOne there.. might possibly.. generate): for those famous Farmily Valuez things.
As Judge Judy loves to say, I guess: the choice is *mine*.
(Maybe a Marshall on every plane AND a Judge at every airport - for the special Needs of Muricans in extremis?)