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New Kerry: soldier for the enemy
[link|http://kerry-04.org/war/record.php|Not anti-war. Just on the other side]


Kerry was (and remains) an effective spokesperson for his Leftist
cadre. His anti-war protest period culminated with his 1971
congressional testimony, after which he told the press, "There are all
kinds of atrocities and I would have to say that, yes, yes, I committed
the same kind of atrocities as thousands of other soldiers have
committed in that I took part in shootings in free-fire zones. I
conducted harassment and interdiction fire. I used 50-caliber machine
guns, which we were granted and ordered to use, which were our only
weapon against people. I took part in search-and-destroy missions, in
the burning of villages. All of this is contrary to the laws of warfare.
All of this is contrary to the Geneva Conventions...."

Regarding the substance -- and source -- of Kerry's claims, Ion Mihai
Pacepa, the highest-ranking intelligence officer ever to defect from the
Soviet bloc, says "KGB priority number one at that time was to damage
American power, judgment, and credibility. ... As a spy chief and a
general in the former Soviet satellite of Romania, I produced the very
same vitriol Kerry repeated to the U.S. Congress almost word for word
and planted it in leftist movements. KGB chairman Yuri Andropov managed
our anti-Vietnam War operation. He often bragged about having damaged
the U.S. foreign-policy consensus, poisoned domestic debate in the U.S.,
and built a credibility gap between America and European public opinion
through our disinformation operations. Vietnam was, he once told me,
'our most significant success'."

As for the success of Kerry's anti-democracy protests and his leadership
of the VVAW and association with Fonda's Winter Soldier Investigation,
General Vo Nguyen Giap, Vietnam's most decorated military leader, wrote
in retrospect that if not for the disunity created by such stateside
protesters, Hanoi would have ultimately surrendered.

I say:

Boat people thrown out of their own homes and left to wander the high seas. Stacks of skulls in Cambodia. Thanks, Kerry.

[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=167109|Photo: Hanoi thanks Kerry]

[link|http://www.angelfire.com/ca3/marlowe/kerry.html#20040802|Home link]
"All the news you wish would go away"
Iraq is free, and there's nothing you can do about it. DEAL WITH IT.
New Go pick on a triple amputee, f**ktard
New Greetings, representative of the party of hate!
Bitterness, lies and jealousy is all that's Left anymore. This monster that was born in the Terror of the French Revolution was dealt a mortal blow with the fall of the Soviet empire. Every positive idea your crowd ever stood for either has been discredited or shown to be insincere. You're doing your best to stave off the inevitable, and to do as much harm as you can on your way out. We the sane will not forget these past two centuries. And we the sane will write the history books.

Your lies have power. I admit that. But truth has staying power.
"All the news you wish would go away"
Iraq is free, and there's nothing you can do about it. DEAL WITH IT.
New "Left"? Giggle.
You wouldn't know left-wing if it fell on you.

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New He serves the commie line word for word
"delayed incessantly by people whose prevalent qualification was an excess of free-time" Philip Atkinson
questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
New Seek help, now

That was lovely cheese.

     --Wallace, The Wrong Trousers
New At least he served, wasn't AWOL.
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail ... but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!"
New Ah, the tangy scent of fear!
It's rolling off you in waves, little Phil! Sweet, sweet fear!
New LRPD, perspicuous as always: sends us a word - exocytosis
Main Entry: exo\ufffdcy\ufffdto\ufffdsis
Pronunciation: "ek-sO-sI-'tO-s&s
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural exo\ufffdcy\ufffdto\ufffdses /-"sEz/
Etymology: New Latin, from exo- + cyt- + -osis
: the release of cellular substances (as secretory products) contained in cell vesicles by fusion of the vesicular membrane with the plasma membrane and subsequent release of the contents to the exterior of the cell
- exo\ufffdcy\ufffdtot\ufffdic /-'t\ufffd-tik/ adjective

That faint aroma transmitted between the serifs and seraphs - may emanate from the decay products of decades of fear-suffering and -mongering: the effluents from actual cell-shriveling; the palpable chemistry of My-Gramma severity psych-implosion.

(Hey.. MDs get $300/hr for diagnoses on less data)

It's. All. In. Your. Mind.
Brutally murdered endorphins, after a time - lead to cell-death.
     Kerry: soldier for the enemy - (marlowe) - (8)
         Go pick on a triple amputee, f**ktard -NT - (deSitter) - (3)
             Greetings, representative of the party of hate! - (marlowe) - (2)
                 "Left"? Giggle. - (pwhysall) - (1)
                     He serves the commie line word for word -NT - (boxley)
         Seek help, now -NT - (tuberculosis)
         At least he served, wasn't AWOL. -NT - (jbrabeck)
         Ah, the tangy scent of fear! - (rcareaga)
         LRPD, perspicuous as always: sends us a word - exocytosis - (Ashton)

You getting this down?
48 ms