I see part of the problem.
Like your comment about muttering about killing people and scaring other passengers?
Called an analogy. Its where you show a comparision of a similar event, to hopefully get comphrension.
My apologies, I thought you'd understand what one of those was, thought I've seen you use them....
So if you didn't understand that, no wonder we had a problem.
In this case, she apparently caused a scene in security. In case you haven't noticed, people are rather jumpy. If other passengers were being discomfited (one of the other points you've forgotten about), then their rights are being infringed upon.
I'd have far more sympathy with her if she hadn't gone hyperbole on the issue - leading me to believe that she did it FOR the attention and press (I've certainly never heard of her before).
But of course, you wouldn't suspect a pure Anti-Bushian like that of such dastardly deeds.
The journalist who wrote about his problems, I have sympathy for, and hope he is able to change the system, to protect our rights.
But I don't particularly think that screaming bitches are a good figurehead for "right protection", especially ones that don't exist now, even if you don't understand them, or the analogies.