Your typical slashbot either has never really worked (often because they are kids of college students) or else has worked, but haven't been anywhere near the actual running of the business.

Now Andrew Grygus may be a bit colorful, but he has been running his own consulting business for many years. He is very aware of the needs of running a business for the simple reason that he has done so for many years. Furthermore his customers are other businesses, and his livelyhood depends on his understanding their needs as well.

So I suggest that you read him more closely. You should find that he isn't blowing smoke for the sake of blowing smoke. He really does know what he is talking about. Your average slashbot is recognizable in large part for their inability to get beyond stereotypical foaming to see why things are happening, and your average slashbot does not understand either the history or technical details. Andrew makes neither mistake.

As for the "kewl doodz" crack, Ashton's point is that we aren't a bunch of script kiddies in here, whining about the latest "in" thing. Most of us are professionals. We may BS about general topics, but when it comes to our areas of technical areas expertise, we are very competent. An area of competency for me is [link||Perl]. An area of competency for Andrew Grygus is what a small business needs to know about for its IT needs.
