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New At CP did you go on Millenium Force?
Prior to visiting Six Flags Darien Lake about three years ago, the best rollercoaster I had been on was at Canada's Wonderland, Top Gun. Lots of loops, some speed but not very high or long. With the purchase of Darien Lake by Six Flags and the construction of the Superman coaster, my friends and I went for a day there. Two rides on it! Wow! High and FAST! Easily destroyed Top Gun.

Two years ago we made the pilgrimage to Cedar Point. Millenium Force was the new coaster in town. AWESOME! NOW THAT WAS A ROLLERCOASTER!!! Made Top Gun a kiddie coaster. Sadly when in line for a second ride a thunderstorm rolled in ending the day. :-(

From ultimaterollercoaster.com:

Pharoah's Revenge:
- Height: 160 feet Drops: 228 feet
- Top speed: 82 mph Length: 3,200 feet

Millenium Force:
- Height: 310 feet Drops: 300 feet
- Angle of descent: 80 degrees Top speed: 93 mph
- Length: 6,595 feet Ride time: 2 minutes, 20 seconds

- Height: 200 feet Drops: 205 feet
- Angle of descent: 70 degrees Top speed: 70 mph
- Length: 5,400 feet Ride time: 2 minutes

MF easily hands PR it's lunch.

I've pleaded with Canada's Wonderland to invest in a REAL coaster but to no avail. (They said that people don't like "extreme" coasters. *roll eyes* Yeah sure, just what are those long lineups then?!) They put in Tomb Raider which is one of those horizontal passenger riding under the track coasters but they've skimped. It doesn't look very big and there is no train. A single car of four rides it. :-( They simply missed the boat grabbing the land around them. Now there is all housing there and they have no where to expand. Pathetic boobs!

Got to go back to CP again...
New We go every year.
Last year I convinced Duncan to go on MF with me. It's easily his favorite now.

I've never been on anything to compare.

Now, in defence of other coasters, however, there's more to it than just big hills and speed.

MF has that rare, smoothly flying experience. It's actually somewhat mellow. If you want something more exciting, then there are bumpy coasters, curvy-turny coasters, etc. One person's favorite may not be another's, for differing reasons.

One of the best things about MF and the new drag racer coaster is that Magnum's lines are usually no more than 10-15 minutes now, in the middle of the day even. ;-)

We go to Cedar Point in late September/early October, during their Halloweekends. Almost all of the rides are open, the weather is very pleasant, the rates are cheaper, the crowds are smaller, and they have extras like recitations of The Telltale Heart and haunted houses. Recommended.

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New *envious*
That's sweet about the short lineups now. We had to wait an hour and a half at least to get on MF. As much as lineups suck, we were in there again for another ride...

Variety is definitely good. Canada's Wonderland has a good differing selection of coasters so I've been on many different ones, just not any monster ones until SF:DL and CP. MF would have been perfect if there was a loop and corkscrew in there somewhere. I wish CW had some competition here to force them to get a monster coaster or two. (The Ex doesn't count as competition...)

I'll make mention of the short lines and the Halloweekends to my friends. Maybe I can entice another visit out of them... :-)
New Er...
The lines for Millennium Force are still long. Unless you make use of the FastPass (I think that's what it is) stuff, which lets you get a pass for a much shorter line once a day. Typically we would wait 15 minutes with FastPass, an hour without.

We also stay in the park at the Breakers, which lets us in an hour early. First ride is the MF.

In general there are fewer people for Halloweekends. If you really want short lines, I'm led to understand that July 4th is the day to go.

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New Bragging alert
I worked for a large Chicago bank for a while. We had many office/location parties. New years, 4th of July, Christmas, bank president's birthday, etc. The company as whole, however, rented out Six Flags in Gurnee Illinois for the day for a company wide party. The weekend after it closed to the public for the season, the whole park was ours along with with all the rides. I rode everything. Lines were no longer than 10 minutes for the most popular rides.
It is much harder to be a liberal than a conservative. Why?
Because it is easier to give someone the finger than it is to give them a helping hand.
Mike Royko
New Oh gosh gurney!
Spent ten days there (supposingly to monitor vendor triage) stayed at the best "Best Western" there and loved that 6 flags I stand in envy.
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I wondered what Darwinian moment had to effect itself before we devolved from children flying paper flags in the sky to half formed creatures thundering in a wall of horns down the road to Roncevaux. James Lee Burke
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New Discovery channel special
on coasters said why:
MF has that rare, smoothly flying experience,

They used a special urethane wheel instead of steel. Not quite as durable, but you experienced the ride difference.

[edit -> fixed typo]
"Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times
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Expand Edited by lincoln July 27, 2004, 05:05:12 PM EDT
New Not just the wheels.
The hills and curves are wide enough that there is no lateral or vertical jarring as well, like on the Beast. That thing beat the shit out of me. And then there's the time that my son convinced me to ride the back seat on the Blue Streak...

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
     Kennywood Park, Pennsylvania -- Go there now - (drewk) - (9)
         At CP did you go on Millenium Force? - (lister) - (7)
             We go every year. - (admin) - (6)
                 *envious* - (lister) - (3)
                     Er... - (admin) - (2)
                         Bragging alert - (Silverlock) - (1)
                             Oh gosh gurney! - (boxley)
                 Discovery channel special - (lincoln) - (1)
                     Not just the wheels. - (admin)
         I like the Hulk at universal, and the train at dollywood - (boxley)

Do you believe everything you read on the radio?
47 ms