There's stuff to get the job done, and then there's screwing around. Screwing around is for people who aren't satisfied with just getting a job done, who need something else (I'm one of those).
So THAT's what OO is for, eh? :-)
No, I agree that programming is more fun when one can experiment a bit......just not with $*@#&! OOP.
One thing I liked about ASP is the ability to have regional-scoped variables without declaring a header for each and every function. That results in giant parameter lists in PHP, which is a code-smell IMO. (At least allow nested functions, like Pascal, if you are gonna do that.) On the other hand, one had to use Option Explicit to keep their sanity in ASP, requiring declarations of everything. So, I guess they break even in that regard. And as stated, PHP has better associative array support. In ASP you have to call bloated system objects to emulate them.