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New Cataloguing the lies in Fahrenheit 9/11
[link|http://www.davekopel.com/Terror/Fiftysix-Deceits-in-Fahrenheit-911.htm|A big job, but somebody's got to do it]


Moore's reasonable defenders have made two main points:

First, notwithstanding the specific falsehoods, isn't the film as a whole
filled with many important truths?

Not really. We can divide the film into three major parts. The first part
(Bush, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan) is so permeated with lies that most of
the scenes amount to lies. The second, shorter part involves domestic
issues and the USA PATRIOT Act. So far, I've identified only one clear
falsehood in this segment (Rep. Porter Goss's toll-free number). So this
part, at least arguably, presents useful information. The third part, on
Iraq has several outright falsehoods--such as the Saddam regime's murder
of Americans, and the regime's connection with al Qaeda. Other scenes in
the third part--such as Iraqi casualties, interviews with American
soldiers, and the material on bereaved mother Lila Lipscomb--are not
blatant lies; but the information presented is so extremely one-sided
(the only Iraqi casualties are innocents, nobody in Iraq is grateful for
liberation, all the American soldiers are disillusioned, except for the
sadists) that the overall picture of the Iraq War is false...

In this report, I number Moore's deceits. Some of them are outright
lies; some are omissions which create a false impression. Others involve
different forms of deception. A few are false statements Moore has made
when defending the film. Judge for yourself the credibility of Michael
Moore's promise, "Every single fact I state in 'Fahrenheit 9/11' is the
absolute and irrefutable truth...Do not let anyone say this or that
isn't true. If they say that, they are lying."

Do the many falsehoods and misrepresentations of Fahrenheit 9/11
suggest a film producer who just makes careless mistakes? Or does a man
who calls Americans: "possibly the dumbest people on the planet" believe
that his audience will be too dumb to tell when he is tricking them?
Viewers will have to decide for themselves whether the extremist and
extremely deceptive Fahrenheit 9/11 is a conscientious work of patriotic
dissent, or the cynical propaganda of a man who gives wartime aid to
America's murderous enemies, and who accepts their aid in return.

I say:

Those who have followed Michael Moore know that he's a colossal liar,
and has been for a long time. Those that don't know him that well need
to be warned.

(Those who worship him, of course, don't give a damn about truth. But
the rest should know.)

[link|http://www.angelfire.com/ca3/marlowe/#20040726|Home link]
"All the news you wish would go away"
Iraq is free, and there's nothing you can do about it. DEAL WITH IT.
New Here's an idea
Go to the bathroom and hold your willie for seven minutes.

Seven minutes is a long time.
New It really is an all or nothing affair with you, isn't it?
You can't see Moore's movie as even containing needles of underreported truth in a haystack of spin? If Moore showed Gore on stage in one place while implying he was somewhere else, then Gore couldn't possibly have shut down the protests of black Democrats in Congress. If Moore implies that Fox News somehow controls the results of an election, then the voter blacklist (pun intended) can't possibly exist despite the sworn testimony of the company that made it. And so on. Is that it?

[link|http://delaware-dem.dailykos.com/story/2004/7/20/18926/6104|Come back when you've debunked the debunking of the debunking of the debunking] and are willing to apply the same criticism to [link|http://www.45net.org/mt/archives/000627.html|DC 9/11]. In closing, let me say:

[link|http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0375757147/103-8441964-7614256|Those who have followed George W. Bush] know that he's a colossal [link|http://www.bushlies.com/|liar], and has been for a long time. Those that don't know him that well need to be warned.

(Those who worship him, of course, don't give a damn about truth. But the rest should know.)
New WOW that was outstanding
New Much closer to nothing than all
You can take the needle in a haystack. Grasping for straws is your bag, not mine. And we all know now it was Joe Wilson who lied, not George Bush.

Which makes you a liar, too.
"All the news you wish would go away"
Iraq is free, and there's nothing you can do about it. DEAL WITH IT.
New Don't change the subject and run away
Get back here you whiny fleabrain cocksucking sack of dogshit sniveling little coward, and don't you complain about the insult after you called me a liar for asking you to turn on your brain for once and actually think about information presented you on its own merits and not on your personal opinion of the speaker. Did you see me mention Joe Wilson there? Point it out, the words "Joe Wilson" in [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=166218|Post #166218]. Blockquote it in context in +5 blinking red. Put up or shut up.

As for that haughty two line dismissal of an appeal for you to acquire a functioning cerebrum, those tiny irrelevant sentences that took a week to leak out your festering syphilitic anus because your head was in the way: How brave of you to go on record denying that Gore shut down the protests of black Democrats in Congress, denying that there was a Florida voter blacklist, and denying that there is any one single bit of factual information in Fahrenheit 9/11. Even if it's Michael Moore saying "I'm fat and I wear a hat a lot" it can't be true because Marlowe said so.

[link|http://delaware-dem.dailykos.com/story/2004/7/20/18926/6104|Come back when you've debunked the debunking of the debunking of the debunking] and are willing to apply the same criticism to [link|http://www.45net.org/mt/archives/000627.html|DC 9/11].

     Cataloguing the lies in Fahrenheit 9/11 - (marlowe) - (5)
         Here's an idea - (deSitter)
         It really is an all or nothing affair with you, isn't it? - (tangaroa) - (3)
             WOW that was outstanding -NT - (deSitter)
             Much closer to nothing than all - (marlowe) - (1)
                 Don't change the subject and run away - (tangaroa)

Sharp as a balloon.
41 ms