Heights. Bad. Urk.
Honestly, I didn't particularly enjoy flying BEFORE the 11th. Trains are fun. They're more comfortable than Greyhound, and have a better survival rate than airplanes.
or as Carrot Top put it once:
"I know they say that statistically, Flying is 'safer' than taking the train -- you know, there are more train accidents each year than plane crashes... but that's not the whole story. Think about it: when a train gets into an accident, people ask 'was anyone hurt?' When a plane gets into an accident, people ask 'WERE THERE ANY SURVIVORS?' "
Of course, it loses something in print -- the way he shouts the last line, it almost ended my life I was laughing so hard.
However, doing another lunch would be a fine alternative.
"We are all born originals -- why is it so many of us die copies?"
- Edward Young