Re: I know
Rebuilding all that flora is a subject with a medusa-head of apparent complexity; some get all religious about their fav regimens. Natch.
I know a few 'cases' 1:1 and a bit of the different approaches. Not a topic for any simple thread; I'd just suggest that you do some searching and observe the quite different attitude towards (even the importance of!) this matter - pharm-chem (which treats symptoms on a list) VS a bevy of alternatives.
One book comes to mind; dunno about its availability in your parts, but I just got a copy from a friend who was ~ 8 months ago ~~ heading for Death City. AMA types had nothing much to suggest except More Pills very -much \ufffd- and the usual expen$e. She was getting weaker daily. Visibly.
She is today not quite back to pre-incident level, but doing vastly better than via the popular methodology, ongoing weekly improvement apparent. (This person also tends to measure things, take notes and generally: observe. She also checks out the * PDR and has done her homework on interpreting the various codes in a blood work-up. A wealth of data there, if one learns the necessary interconnections; plus an at least basiic comprehension of the various organs - liver, kidneys, etc. It's always All about our imperfect understanding of the immune system; all one knows for sure is: Best try to help it restore itself, via any means as Work.
* Physicians Desk Reference - in US, it's used as an 'auto repair manual' by most-all MDS - lest they be sued for doing anything Differently from the other MDs. Think 'innovation'. Then.. don't.
This tack does require more personal input, more "noticing" and a change of dietary habits. While it is ~akin to the pop lo-carbs fad: 'weight-loss' isn't even on the wish list (though it follows naturally, too).
Book is, Restoring Your Digestive Health by Jordan S. Rubin, NMD and Joseph Brasco, MD
(As this method reduced std cholesterol number from 316 to 219 in a 3-month period - re an acquaintance of the above person: 'science' demands that I 'test' - screw the evangelists.) I'll have a report later. So far.. Interesting.