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New Learned something new in Sunday School today
We were talking about Babylon, and my Sunday School teacher mentioned that it was in Iraq and that Saddam Hussein had had plans to rebuild it, or had rebuilt it, she didn't know which.

I was surprised, because I'd never known Babylon was in Iraq. I always had assumed it was in one of the Palestinian countries, or maybe Saudi Arabia or Greece, but never Iraq. Amazing what you can learn even at an older age.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knows if Babylon still exists in Iraq and if it was renamed to something else? We looked on one map we had at church but we couldn't locate the city by that name.


Nightowl >8#

"At last, a moment's peace!"
New Your "teacher" is full of sh*t
Greece? The nature of education here is appalling. How the hell could you possibly think that??

Palestinian countries?? There ARE no Palestinian "countries", and never have been any.

In fact "Babylon" as conceived by nutty Christians is also a fiction. The ancient, great Assyrian and Sumerian civilizations of the Tigris and Euphrates Valley were the origin point of Western life as we know it.

Find some real books to read. The Bible is a tabloid of bad acts and miserable people.

Jesus H, using that poor bastard Saddam to inculcate Christian propaganda...

New Closer than you think

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New Hmmm...
Why did you give me a link to a map of New York?

Nightowl >8#

"At last, a moment's peace!"
..as the air rushes from ear to ear without any hindrance...
New You know...
I asked a simple question, I didn't ask for stupid abuse from people the likes of you, thanks.

Nightowl >8#

"At last, a moment's peace!"
New Re: You know...
You DIDN'T ask a simple question. You volunteered some information from a dubious "teacher" that shows how effective is Christian propaganda and how very far from a real Christian spirit - just as the mad bomber nutcases of the Mideast are far indeed from their own prophet.

If you want to know about Sumeria and Assyria, read some damn history books or *gasp* Google for it. Why would you THINK you can trust a propagandist to tell you history?

You're INFURIATING because you don't have the excuse of being stupid - just willfully ignorant. You only want to constuct a Christian worldview in which a lie can be FELT to be the truth no matter how egregious - well you know what the end result of all this is? A chaotic, dangerous wilderness ruled by the Shrubs and Saddams of the world.

And the funny thing is - what Jesus said has NOTHING to do with this fake history of the Palesto-Babylonians or any of that. It has to do with finding divinity within every single human being and treating it accordingly. Does anyone ever GRADUATE from "Sunday School"?

Religion is going to be the ruination of all of us.


"At last, a moment's peace!"
Here's a question: Why are you talking about Saddam in sunday school, when you should be talking about Jesus?
New Answer
The teacher was explaining how the people were taken from their lands to captivity in Babylon, and how they walked across the land to Iraq, which was the prominent country in the news lately. This prompted me to ask about was Babylon really in Iraq, which led her to tell me that yes, it was, and that Saddam had intended to rebuild it or had rebuilt it.

I was just curious where it was on the map, and that was my simple question.

And as for do people ever graduate from Sunday School? No, the classes get older and the teachers do too, while the material becomes more and more mature.

Nightowl >8#

"At last, a moment's peace!"
New The reason.
[link|http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Babylon,%20New%20York=|Babylon, New York].

As opposed to [link|http://www.atlastours.net/iraq/babylon.html|Babylon, Iraq].

"If I seem unduly clear to you, you must have misunderstood what I said." -- Alan Greenspan, Federal Reserve chairman
New Thanks, Alex!
That was a fascinating read. So if it's lying in ruins, it might not be on a modern map then, maybe that explains why it wasn't on the one at church.

Thanks again!

Nightowl >8#

"At last, a moment's peace!"
New Re: Learned something new in Sunday School today
We were talking about Babylon, and my Sunday School teacher mentioned that it was in Iraq and that Saddam Hussein had had plans to rebuild it, or had rebuilt it, she didn't know which.

Yes it was in Iraq. Here is a good map that placed ancient cities and a few modern cities in Iraq [link|http://oi.uchicago.edu/OI/INFO/MAP/SITE/Iraq_Site_150dpi.html|University of Chicago]

It no longer exists in any form. When it was a living city it was on the Euphrates but the path of the river has shifted in the area. In fact, when Babylon existed the Euprates and Tigris rivers did not meet before entering the sea.

I have no idea what your teacher was thinking for the second part though, unless they had been reading silly apocalypse literature that link Saddam Hussein to the antichrist. Babylon figures heavily in apocalypse liturature and is usually linked to an existing city, one that is considered corrupt and decadent.

New Awesome map! Thanks!
I don't know what she was talking about either. I'd never heard of Saddam wanting to rebuild the ancient city of Babylon, (Like I said, before today, I never knew it was in Iraq to start with), so I don't have a clue.

She never said anything about antichrists or decadent cities, so she may have just got something wrong. Maybe Saddam had plans for the site or something, or wanted to build a new city near or by it.

At any rate, that map is just what I was looking for (and not finding,) so thanks again, so much!

Nightowl >8#

"At last, a moment's peace!"
New I think John just found it
What my teacher was talking about, anyway, regarding Saddam wanting to rebuild Babylon.

Check this out:


Thanks for all the information, guys, I have a map to show my teacher, John printed it out for me and helped me put the basic borders in.

Nightowl >8#

"At last, a moment's peace!"
New Now learn something more
like how to search an encyclopedia. Wikipedia is a free one and here is the entry for Babylon:


I am shocked and amazed at the people who didn't mention "Babylon 5". :)

There is a reference to a Babylon in the bible in the book of Revelation. Some say that the Babylon mentioned in Revelation is really in the USA, hence I guess some of the jokes? Apparently there does exist a Babylon, NY.

Then there are those that said Revelation already happened, and that Rome and Nero, etc were subjected to the book:

Take it as you will, if you do your own research, you can learn a lot more than discussing it in a forum such as this. Which is why I haven't been on ZIWE for a while, I am doing my own research for my classes and other things.

[link|http://www.wikipedia.org/|http://www.wikipedia.org/] is a free encylopedia, you will find it more educational than asking questions in these forums. If you really find it useful, like PBS, they ask for donations. I find it more valuable than search engines like Google that have searches spammed with illrevevant links.

"What's the use of saving life when you see what you do with it?" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

[link|http://www.xormad.com:4096/district268|I am from District 268].
Expand Edited by orion Aug. 1, 2004, 08:34:10 PM EDT
New I know how to search an encyclopedia
Although I prefer the hard-cover ones. But wikipedia is more like an open-contribution encyclopedia, and isn't always factual. I did very well here, someone here directed me to a very good map and a very good explanation as well.

I agree at times this forum isn't always helpful, sometimes they're laughing at me too hard to help, but the times that it is always pay off and make it worth it. :)

Nightowl >8#

Note to self: Find new signature soon.
     Learned something new in Sunday School today - (Nightowl) - (16)
         Your "teacher" is full of sh*t - (deSitter)
         Closer than you think - (pwhysall) - (9)
             Hmmm... - (Nightowl) - (8)
                 WHOOOOOOOOOSHHHHHHHHHH - (deSitter) - (5)
                     You know... - (Nightowl) - (4)
                         Re: You know... - (deSitter) - (3)
                             YASNWI -NT - (Nightowl) - (2)
                                 Re: YASNWI - (deSitter) - (1)
                                     Answer - (Nightowl)
                 The reason. - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
                     Thanks, Alex! - (Nightowl)
         Re: Learned something new in Sunday School today - (JayMehaffey) - (2)
             Awesome map! Thanks! - (Nightowl)
             I think John just found it - (Nightowl)
         Now learn something more - (orion) - (1)
             I know how to search an encyclopedia - (Nightowl)

Hey... Pong. My parents played this game.
62 ms