Parsed? you really want Parsed?
[For others: SPOILER]
As Ursula (LeGuin) observes~: decent fictional plots based upon scientific principles - depend mainly upon careful extrapolation from present conditions + trends. (I despise 'sci-fi' as a'genre' --- connotes Bug-hunt, to the otherwise literate few readers left.)
I calls it as I sees it.
What is the logical result? then:
Were the present Admin to continue 4 more years (== might as well be, "til they are Ousted") of the present trends -- policies they claim are ineluctable, as in Unchangeable re - just-a-few, here
Bill of Rights reduction to further non-enforcement; thus irrelevance.
Habeas corpus ditto.
O.T. Fundamentalist Christian Theology [Revelations, etc.] as primary basis for precipitate Neocon international actions.
Predictably: relations worsen with rest of planet.
More millions coalesce to despise not merely The Neocons but America(ns)-all.
More preemptive activities towards several small [natch] countries (uncomfortably nearby former-friends) - because, "they might someday do something, if they should ever want to". Like Iraq: that IS the present Official 'excuse'.
Casual use of New Neocon-'legitimized' nukes = call them just 'munitions' [already being built] - -
Evoking tit for tat [pick from long list of pregnant contenders, just among the known.. nuke-capables in M.E.]
One or more hit Fatherland. However 'delivered'. Toss in CBW because, it's There.
Warz on Warz - but first one must endure, The Warz.
Then.. Citizens (finally) launch War directly on the Warmongers.
Revolution \ufffd by-any-other name.
New 'Parties' from the rubble: psychic, human and infrastructure.
[Need not be direct nuke destruction, of course..]
It's already crumbling from perpetual neglect; mobs do pretty well against any complexity. Chaos is EZ.
Finally, VOTING is restored, after a fashion, (and after the assassinations).
Hence: [HTH]