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New Actions speak louder then words
The Arab league is good at PR, what did it cost them to make such a statement? However, their actions speak louder then their words. Almost all the Arab countries are callng for a pause in the bombing for Ramadan, why? I remember them starting a war in 1973 during Ramadan on Yom Kippur, where were their religious sensibilities then? Has Syria reigned in any of the 15 terrorist groups operating on her soil? Has Egypt stopped the anti-american and anti-semitic incitement in the state run press? The same applies to Arafat, how many times has he said that he will stop the violence?

In short, that statement isn't worth the paper it is printed on.
New Re: Arab catch-22 rule :-)

Absolutely *No attacking during Ramadan* UNLESS ***** (the exceptions :-)

a) It is Muslims attacking Jews
b) It is Muslims attacking Americans
c) It is Mulsims attacking Muslims

(the only option left of course is - No attacking Muslims by non-muslims during Ramadan)

Now if I were Mulsim - I'd call it a great rule :-)
New I see a way out.
All the US military has to do is offer to send troops of Muslim soldiers in etc etc. I wouldn't expect them to actually do it, mind.


"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

New Re: Nup - catch-22 covers that

Catch-22 includes this further overrider ...

If you are designated as American then you are not Muslim (even if you are). e.g. the Muslims who died in the Sept 11 attack were designated Americans which takes priority over being Muslim.

So an American army is designated American which by Catch-22 definition means they are not Muslim (even if they are) therefore a Muslim army that comes from America is not allowed to attack Muslims during Ramadan (even if the people they are attacking are not Muslims but are designated Muslims).

In case you might have been a tad confused by the last sentence above. If you are not a Muslim, but are fighting with Muslims and are not in an American force, then Catch-22 allows you to be designated Muslim (even if you are not). This further enhancement to the rule means an American who joins the Taliban who is not a Muslim, is designated a Muslim cannot be attacked by forces designated non-Muslim (even if they individually are).



New Wierd. But I get it.
So I think that silly stipulation is only worth ignoring.


"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

New bet you wouldn't let your daughter marry one either, eh?
"We are all born originals -- why is it so many of us die copies?"
- Edward Young
     The Arab League denounces Osama bin Laden - (brettj) - (6)
         Actions speak louder then words - (bluke) - (5)
             Re: Arab catch-22 rule :-) - (dmarker2) - (3)
                 I see a way out. - (static) - (2)
                     Re: Nup - catch-22 covers that - (dmarker2) - (1)
                         Wierd. But I get it. - (static)
             bet you wouldn't let your daughter marry one either, eh? -NT - (cwbrenn)

I could make a hat... or a brooch... or a pterodactyl!
37 ms