[link|http://www.hrw.org/reports/2003/sudan1103/5.htm#_Toc54492543|Permitting genocide: cui bono]
Blocks 1, 2, and 4: Greater Nile Petroleum Operating Company (GNPOC)
owns the concession to explore and develop these blocks, the 1,540
kilometer pipeline to the Red Sea, and the port at Masra El Bashair, the
last two built and completed by GNPOC in 1999. Its owners are Talisman
Energy Inc. of Canada (25 percent, from 1998 until 2002, when it sold
its interest to ONGC Videsh Ltd.); China National Petroleum Company
(CNPC) (40 percent since 1996), Petronas Nasional Berhad of Malaysia
(Petronas) (30 percent since 1996), and Sudan?s state-owned Sudapet
Limited (5 percent since 1996).
This concession in Western Upper Nile includes the Unity and Heglig
oilfields, the oldest producing oilfields in southern Sudan. It also
includes El Toor, Toma South, El Nar, Talih, and Munga oil fields, and
the more recently explored Timsa and Bamboo oilfields in Block 4.
Civilian displacement started in the mid-1980s.
I say:
"Civilian displacement." That's probably the most charitable way
they could come up with to phrase that.
Block 5: also not covered in this report, the concession, by far the
largest in the south at 120,000 square kilometers, is owned by the oil
multinational TotalFinaElf, and encompasses Central Upper Nile and
beyond. It is not currently being developed.
I say:
TotalFinaElf is the French oil monopoly. No wonder Chirac doesn't
want to do anything about the slaughter.
See any American companies here? I do - under "past players."
Remember, folks: It's All About the Oil!!!!!(TM)
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