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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New sheer joy that you have a gig.
tshirt front "born to die before I get old"
thshirt back "fscked another one didnja?"
New Thanks! Jobs to all! Even Delphi fans :-)
A fitting programming language for someone who loves TOP!

Congrats, Bryce.

After a few years of mind-numbing COBOL, you'll come around to the OO way of thinking.

BTW, our "table oriented programming" Objects are now reading the pharmacy formats from a file, and parsing the incoming message and storing it in a database.

TOP and OOP can be friends, you just have to know how to do it...

Glen Austin
New not a good place to start a OOP v. TOP flameware
>> A fitting programming language for someone who loves TOP! <<

Actually I took a COBOL class in college. I hardly consider it "the best that p/r can do". SQL and relational tables are a clumsy add-on in COBOL. I tend to prefer dynamicly-typed (or type-free) languages descended from the Algol traditions (C, Pascal, VB, etc) that have good dictionary-array syntax, named parameters, parent scope "inheritance", etc.

>> BTW, our "table oriented programming" Objects are now reading the pharmacy formats from a file, and parsing the incoming message and storing it in a database. <<

So. It could probably be done in assembler also. That does not mean that assember is "better". There are many ways to pie the cat. The argument is about the claim that OO pies the cat better.

>> TOP and OOP can be friends, you just have to know how to do it... <<

You are welcome to epublish a detailed example/explanation.

New Lighten Up
I was just congratulating you for finding a job in my own "weird" way. I'm probably the second more obscure person here behind "Ashton". :-)

As for TOP vs. OO, we've been down that road before. I think they both are good paradigms, and both have their place.

When we're parsing pharmacy claims and putting them in a DB table, top is best. When we're analyzing whether a particular claim is one 'type' or 'another', or what needs to happen next, that's OO. (But, we still have a state table inside the object, so that's why I say that the two can get along...)

As for COBOL, the global scope of everything drives me nuts, too. However, I've seen badly written C code with the same variable name at 2/3/4 scopes that would drive a person nuts, too.

Anyway, let's drop the OOP/TOP banter now, and just bask in the afterglow of that "great new job"...

Glen Austin
New Imma heavy
>> When we're analyzing whether a particular claim is one 'type' or 'another' <<

I am skeptical of modeling anything in biz apps with "sub-types".

You can read more about such here: (bank account "type" discussion)


New Re: not a good place to start a OOP v. TOP flameware
I tend to prefer dynamicly-typed (or type-free) languages descended from the Algol traditions (C, Pascal, VB, etc) that have good dictionary-array syntax, named parameters, parent scope "inheritance", etc.

That'd be Perl or Python then. Your anti-OO mania precludes you from trying Ruby, I'm afraid.

Shill For Hire
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
     Temporarily re-connected - (tablizer) - (13)
         sheer joy that you have a gig. -NT - (boxley) - (6)
             Thanks! Jobs to all! Even Delphi fans :-) -NT - (tablizer) - (5)
                 COBOL - (gdaustin) - (4)
                     not a good place to start a OOP v. TOP flameware - (tablizer) - (3)
                         Lighten Up - (gdaustin) - (1)
                             Imma heavy - (tablizer)
                         Re: not a good place to start a OOP v. TOP flameware - (pwhysall)
         Good stuff - (pwhysall) - (2)
             I think the phrase I'd use is... - (inthane-chan) - (1)
                 Heh.. I'd still like to se Tablizer come up with an - (Ashton)
         Congrats! Hope it works out well. -NT - (Another Scott)
         FYI - (tuberculosis) - (1)
             The Beatles and OOP - (tablizer)

That's because droids don't tear peoples arms off when they lose.
148 ms