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New Um, did you like your parents music?
And if you by chance did, did your friends? It's a generational thing and is as its always been, I think.

Frankly, I'd be a little concerned if they didn't like some recent pop group better than Zeppelin. :-) No disrespect to JPJ and crew. Give your kids Ben Folds [link|http://www.fmaynard.com/benfolds/rts_lyrics.html|"Rockin' the Suburbs"]. :-)

New Well.. some music survives all generations.
While currently and across all Popular media - we hear mostly stuff created in haste for a market with a pathologically high tolerance for noise (with a beat - that's the main section; the cadence) and a low recognition level for the subtlety of such ideas as dynamic range and, actual musical talent.

But I think you're right about much of the motivation across the ages, too: One must slay one's parents at least metaphorically as a sign of grudgingly accepting the need to fuck things up next - all on 'your own'.

What other motive could account for tuning-out / intentionally dissing (!) Mozart, say [might as well piss on a bust of Galileo while at it] ? and wearing grotesque 'pants' intended to look as if made to order for a Hippo with pellagra except .. to adopt the uniform of one's current flock? In the name of Induh-vid-you-al-ity!

(Of course too.. the irony is ever missed that - conforming to the latest kewl peer-uniform is as intricately demanding as is, the placement of epaulets on the other uniforms. Ditto language: what's the penalty for mis-peling in Haxor?)

Hey.. it's a *play* ! Not a mystery.

igpay atinlay iveslay, ybidybiybot !
New No, but their music sucked
Sinatra, etc.

On the other hand, my 12 year old love Billy Joel, The Who, Floyd, Yes, etc. Love Black Sabbath and some Ozzie. Is annoyed by Hendrix, though.

He's the only one of his peer group (if he has any peers, that is) that enjoys this stuff. He likes being the only one who understands the teacher's references to old rock songs.

I have a Gen Xer I work with. I'm the last of the boomers. He claim I am a cultural imperialist. I tell him he's just pissed because his generation has so little good music. He tells me to shut up and die so some good jobs open up. Of course he makes more money than me so that argument doesn't hold.
     Whats wrong with kids today????? - (boxley) - (17)
         Um, did you like your parents music? - (Another Scott) - (2)
             Well.. some music survives all generations. - (Ashton)
             No, but their music sucked - (broomberg)
         It's all Nixon's fault. - (marlowe) - (8)
             Now.. That's original! - (Ashton) - (6)
                 If you're gonna be consistent... - (marlowe) - (5)
                     'Off the radar' - (Ashton)
                     You guys had a "culture"? Outside sourdough?!? News to me... -NT - (CRConrad) - (1)
                         Actually, the culture was... - (kmself)
                     Paws off our Pop, you. - (pwhysall)
                     And another thing - (pwhysall)
             the music changed when acid was replaced by meth turning - (boxley)
         Genetically engineered "bands". - (Brandioch) - (1)
             As opposed to Pat Boone, The Monkees and ...? - (Another Scott)
         Bill Cosby says "They are brain-damaged!" - (orion)
         They're suggestable - (kmself)
         Abba (grin) -NT - (wharris2)

It is a weapon of mass distraction to keep us away from the real issues at hand.
47 ms