drove from your place to west virginia stopped for breakfast, came out and noticed something funny with the frivers side front tire, lot of vibration and hop in the wheel. bubble in the sidewall. Passenger front as well. So seatbelts on, its a holiday nothing open until manyana, drive till it breaks. went down the shanendoah valley on 81, I love the South, by *:15 pm we were passing Marion Virginia (google it) and looking accross the valley saw a crane with a huge American Flag, an old stadium half filled with folks. Sez, fireworks time. Went to the Highschool, where this town spend twice what Anchorage (town of 250k population) on shit that blows up with long hairs, mohawks, truckers rednecks nigras and negroes all having a hoorah time and wailing out the anthem, (no sitters aloud) more booms echoing amongst the mountains and a great time was had by all (did I mention I love the South?) Will be writing the mayor to see if he needs any Unix people there, I would move tomorrow.
Next day had a country ham biscuit jones, wife refused to eat breakfast at bojangles so had to curb the urge until Tennesee where there was a family restaurant and not a chain. As usual we get a lot of stares, but people are friendly as all get out. Had some local bacon and country ham, homemade buiscuits and Joe had his usual hamburger. Went to 441 and stopped in Cherokee for a few hours to mix with folks that resemble us. Drove the 441 and spent the night in Macon. Went to visit Jimmy in plains GA but he wasnt home and then sandbagged the rest of the way on the Interstate.
Well the next time it will be fly in and out as there is no way in hades my kids are travelling more than one day in the car. So next year is a definite maybe, good to see everyone and congrats to the new member on the way.
Dam tires made it all the way.