Idiot savants, for whatever has gone wrong in their normal accommodation of all the crap [which we ~manage] that lets you pretend to be a member of a complex, illogical social dance.. These might illustrate the sub-process. I mean.. how can one figure a hard-wired ability to run the algorithm for day-dates of various years, say - sans the slightest math inculcation?

But then, if all the young Mozarts are killed-off early - in the inner city? or the Newtons psychically murdered - by daily incarceration in a cubicle, doing mind-numbing biz-logic for morons, until all brain activity is homogenized. Etc.

And apparently, such enviros are insufficient to produce another Munch - yet, 'logically' there ought to be thousands recreating The Scream ...
practically every day, just moments after 'work'. Right?

Correspondingly (as you suggest) - a 'political' instinct cannot possibly be prewired, as its milieu is the random accident of birth-date and the flux of those local, by def'n nonlogical 'social' conditions.

I shall have to think on this ...
Dark Star; the Interstellar Bomb pondering false sensor data