Go to the online [link|http://store.apple.com|Apple Store], the scroll down. Towards the bottom of the left column you'll see "Special Deals".

At the top of the page they have a new iBook 14" for $1299. Same price as the normal 14", but with a larger hard drive. Further down the page they have refurbished 12" iBooks from $749-949 and a 14" iBook for $1099, same specs as the currently $1299 model.

Don't know about transitioning with Windows, I transitioned my desktop from OS/2. Basically what happened was at the start I'd use the OS/2 system more, it had all my email, bookmarks, etc. As time went on I used the Mac more. After about 7 months it was Mac exclusively. Haven't booted up my OS/2 system in 3 or 4 months now.

I still use OS/2 on a Thinkpad for wireless web access around the house.

I'm planning to get a dual G5 whenever Tiger is released. I've heard that will be out in the first half of 2005, so I've got a while to save up for it.