Post #162,299
6/30/04 3:27:48 PM
Re: Are we living in the shadow of a glorious era?
Chopin, Beethoven, Bach, Delacroix, Goya...
There isn't a man alive who comes up to their ankles. Well, maybe Vonnegut.
Post #162,300
6/30/04 3:28:14 PM
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #162,351
6/30/04 8:56:31 PM
Post #162,381
6/30/04 11:07:56 PM
Umm, Mr "I've-got-a-flowing-cape-and-a-Casio-complex"?
Two out of three people wonder where the other one is.
Post #162,391
6/30/04 11:36:37 PM
Post #162,426
7/1/04 5:46:25 AM
Music aside
Mandela, TuTu, (Yes, Vonnegut), The Japanese Legate in WW-II who gave out all the Letters of Transit to Jews (dunno if he still lives), probably hundreds of others as fully 'advanced human beings' - but unknown for the tawdry mass idea of Celebrity, thus we couldn't hear of them (pre-Web).
(We certainly, within last century, have had music-performers second-to none since the invention of the stick-on-a-rock first percussionist)
But an embarrasingly small list; suggesting that mere 'techno' expansion per se, has small to negative relationship with the development of Great Spirits; or, if any: ~ inverse; especially during this period of spastic/manic dialing-for-$$.
So then, maybe Excellence, or even survival ~= (1/ [techno acceleration] \ufffd [bizness oligarchy] \ufffd [e100Yn\ufffd])
where Y= the probability of spasm war and n= the number of terminally-suicidal nation-participants
Why not? We love to measure our follies to at least 3 decimal places.
Post #162,430
7/1/04 6:58:03 AM
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #162,435
7/1/04 8:48:41 AM
Re: Music aside
Art is dead. Science is almost dead. History is now just a story. All we need is drugs, sex, and TV.
Post #162,501
7/1/04 1:41:06 PM
MLK jr.
Have fun, Carl Forde
Post #162,503
7/1/04 1:44:12 PM
Re: MLK jr.
This brings up an interesting point.
Political people, good and bad, seem to sprout out of the current social climate - a King was as inevitable as a Hitler - while progress for all seems to be a matter of people "born" to do something. It's these "born to be" people that are really missing now, and that's sad.
Post #162,602
7/2/04 2:40:59 AM
Hmmm provocative
Idiot savants, for whatever has gone wrong in their normal accommodation of all the crap [which we ~manage] that lets you pretend to be a member of a complex, illogical social dance.. These might illustrate the sub-process. I mean.. how can one figure a hard-wired ability to run the algorithm for day-dates of various years, say - sans the slightest math inculcation?
But then, if all the young Mozarts are killed-off early - in the inner city? or the Newtons psychically murdered - by daily incarceration in a cubicle, doing mind-numbing biz-logic for morons, until all brain activity is homogenized. Etc.
And apparently, such enviros are insufficient to produce another Munch - yet, 'logically' there ought to be thousands recreating The Scream ... practically every day, just moments after 'work'. Right?
Correspondingly (as you suggest) - a 'political' instinct cannot possibly be prewired, as its milieu is the random accident of birth-date and the flux of those local, by def'n nonlogical 'social' conditions.
I shall have to think on this ... Dark Star; the Interstellar Bomb pondering false sensor data