Post #162,287
6/30/04 2:57:33 PM

Are we living in the shadow of a glorious era?
Or have people always been such bastards, and for whatever reason it's become more apparent now?
I vote the latter, with reason mainly being due to increased exposure through media/increased transparency/etc.
Ross seems to think that if you stepped back 150 years, men (if they were from the South) were noble, strong, fair, and gentle.
What do you think?
Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain. You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today. And then one day you find ten years have got behind you. No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun.
Post #162,289
6/30/04 3:00:40 PM

I think Ross is naive.
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #162,290
6/30/04 3:00:46 PM

Everything changes
And yet everything stays the same.
The locus of twattishness just moves around.
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #162,301
6/30/04 3:28:45 PM

Everything changes (for the worse)
Call it cultural thermodynamics. Crudity always increases.
The reason we are no longer free - none of us deserves to be free.
Post #162,302
6/30/04 3:30:52 PM

Heard on NPR: research shows that the use of crude language does not appreciably change over the years. You'll hear the same epithets with the same frequency on the streets of 2004 as you would have heard in 1854, or 1004 for that matter. Many of the obscene words we use today originate from over a thousand years ago.
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #162,304
6/30/04 3:34:04 PM

Re: Counterpoint
Language? I was thinking of something more remote..
The sense of the ineffable. The reality behind the oil paint, rather than the reality of paint.
Post #162,311
6/30/04 3:42:21 PM
6/30/04 3:45:06 PM

Language reflects culture.
Oh, and I'll give you effable: eff this... ;-)
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."

Edited by admin
June 30, 2004, 03:45:06 PM EDT
Post #162,317
6/30/04 4:13:23 PM

It's the pool for you then!
Post #162,318
6/30/04 4:14:16 PM

Oh, like that wasn't going to happen *anyway*...
I mean, what good is inviting the administrator if you can't chuck his sorry ass in the pool?
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #162,319
6/30/04 4:19:22 PM

Post the video this year
unless everybody forgets to bring their digital cameras and camcorders.
lincoln "Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times [link||contact me]
Post #162,305
6/30/04 3:34:45 PM

People like you have been whining forever.
I've no doubt whatsoever that there were people around in 2500BC in Egypt going, "You know, since Snefru took over, things have gone right downhill. Everything was a lot better under Sekhemket."
You've got terminal temporal loliotic verdanity syndrome.
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #162,306
6/30/04 3:35:32 PM

Re: People like you have been whining forever.
You never lived in a free country - I have. We miss it, some of us.
Post #162,312
6/30/04 3:46:24 PM

Re: People like you have been whining forever.
It is a good thing that people like you are invariably too lazy to actually do anything about their predicament, otherwise we might find that government is infested with legislators perpetually adrift on a sea of nostalgia for a golden age that never existed.
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #162,315
6/30/04 4:11:54 PM

Citizen statesmen
..was how Tommy and Jimbo imagined it. We however are nothing but cattle now, so the concept has died. Were I in a position to do so, I would accept the honor and responsibility gladly. But, there is nothing to be done now.
Post #162,339
6/30/04 6:29:31 PM

I recall seeing a letter . . .
. . . complaining about how the younger generation did not respect their elders and deliberately acted offensive, and that trust, community, and everything else was going to hell in a handbasket. It was translated from an original written in Old Kingdom Egypt (pyramid building era).
It's all been on a continuous slide for the 4000 or so years since.
Post #162,328
6/30/04 5:18:56 PM

Speak for yourself
I know what the world was like a century ago. I know what it is like today.
I prefer today. As interesting as it may be to know that my grandfather was a paperboy at age 6 as a way to try to stay alive, I don't particularly want to see young half-Indian kids selling papers on the streets to head off imminent starvation.
Cheers, Ben
To deny the indirect purchaser, who in this case is the ultimate purchaser, the right to seek relief from unlawful conduct, would essentially remove the word consumer from the Consumer Protection Act - [link||Nebraska Supreme Court]
Post #162,532
7/1/04 4:24:20 PM

Re: Everything changes (for the worse)
Nobody ever was free, freedom is an illusion. We are all slaves to our wants and desires. In order for us to be free, we should be free from our wants and desires.
"What's the use of saving life when you see what you do with it?" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"
[link||I am from District 268].
Post #162,299
6/30/04 3:27:48 PM

Re: Are we living in the shadow of a glorious era?
Chopin, Beethoven, Bach, Delacroix, Goya...
There isn't a man alive who comes up to their ankles. Well, maybe Vonnegut.
Post #162,300
6/30/04 3:28:14 PM

Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #162,351
6/30/04 8:56:31 PM

Post #162,381
6/30/04 11:07:56 PM

Umm, Mr "I've-got-a-flowing-cape-and-a-Casio-complex"?
Two out of three people wonder where the other one is.
Post #162,391
6/30/04 11:36:37 PM

Post #162,426
7/1/04 5:46:25 AM

Music aside
Mandela, TuTu, (Yes, Vonnegut), The Japanese Legate in WW-II who gave out all the Letters of Transit to Jews (dunno if he still lives), probably hundreds of others as fully 'advanced human beings' - but unknown for the tawdry mass idea of Celebrity, thus we couldn't hear of them (pre-Web).
(We certainly, within last century, have had music-performers second-to none since the invention of the stick-on-a-rock first percussionist)
But an embarrasingly small list; suggesting that mere 'techno' expansion per se, has small to negative relationship with the development of Great Spirits; or, if any: ~ inverse; especially during this period of spastic/manic dialing-for-$$.
So then, maybe Excellence, or even survival ~= (1/ [techno acceleration] \ufffd [bizness oligarchy] \ufffd [e100Yn\ufffd])
where Y= the probability of spasm war and n= the number of terminally-suicidal nation-participants
Why not? We love to measure our follies to at least 3 decimal places.
Post #162,430
7/1/04 6:58:03 AM

Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #162,435
7/1/04 8:48:41 AM

Re: Music aside
Art is dead. Science is almost dead. History is now just a story. All we need is drugs, sex, and TV.
Post #162,501
7/1/04 1:41:06 PM

MLK jr.
Have fun, Carl Forde
Post #162,503
7/1/04 1:44:12 PM

Re: MLK jr.
This brings up an interesting point.
Political people, good and bad, seem to sprout out of the current social climate - a King was as inevitable as a Hitler - while progress for all seems to be a matter of people "born" to do something. It's these "born to be" people that are really missing now, and that's sad.
Post #162,602
7/2/04 2:40:59 AM

Hmmm provocative
Idiot savants, for whatever has gone wrong in their normal accommodation of all the crap [which we ~manage] that lets you pretend to be a member of a complex, illogical social dance.. These might illustrate the sub-process. I mean.. how can one figure a hard-wired ability to run the algorithm for day-dates of various years, say - sans the slightest math inculcation?
But then, if all the young Mozarts are killed-off early - in the inner city? or the Newtons psychically murdered - by daily incarceration in a cubicle, doing mind-numbing biz-logic for morons, until all brain activity is homogenized. Etc.
And apparently, such enviros are insufficient to produce another Munch - yet, 'logically' there ought to be thousands recreating The Scream ... practically every day, just moments after 'work'. Right?
Correspondingly (as you suggest) - a 'political' instinct cannot possibly be prewired, as its milieu is the random accident of birth-date and the flux of those local, by def'n nonlogical 'social' conditions.
I shall have to think on this ... Dark Star; the Interstellar Bomb pondering false sensor data
Post #162,303
6/30/04 3:32:14 PM

To quote Ovid (43 B.C.-A.D. 18):
Let others praise ancient times; I am glad I was born in these.
"If I seem unduly clear to you, you must have misunderstood what I said." -- Alan Greenspan, Federal Reserve chairman
Post #162,314
6/30/04 4:03:19 PM

[link||The Golden Age].
Cheers, Scott. ;-j
Post #162,316
6/30/04 4:12:58 PM

Post #162,531
7/1/04 4:22:30 PM

I think Desitter to right
Just by looking at the magazines on the supermarkets and gas stations I see more of a narcasist lifestyle being promoted over others. Gone are Popular Mechanics, Discover, OMNI, Mad Magazine, Psychology Today, etc. Instead we found Women's magazines about sex and looks (Cosmo, etc), we see soft-porn (Maxium, FHM), we see many mags about style (GQ, Fashon mags), we see mags about owning fancy cars and boats.
Look at TV shows and Movies and see how they have changed.
Look at how selfish people have become, watch as homeless people rise in numbers, and more people try to claw their way to the top.
See how Religion has been pushed aside for Secularism, see how ethics and morals are thrown out the window. You no longer need to be a straight couple to get married anymore. See how the rest of the world has hated us and continues to hate us? Whatever happened to those times when everyone loved us? When they needed us to help win wars for them, to rebuild their countries, to give them support and money?
Just see the whole picture, I admit even I changed in a way, and I do not like the changes.
"What's the use of saving life when you see what you do with it?" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"
[link||I am from District 268].