I didn't have a chance to read your post before my last one. Thank you for the kind words. By what's happened to me over the last two years, I've become quite knowledgeable on this particular subject. I think I cut to the heart of what I was "waxing" on in my reply below. That most of these "genetic" amnio abortions are Down Syndrome. And now that I am personally involved, I don't take too kindly to folks politicizing (sp?) this particular issue.
The reason I'm so moved is that we didn't have the test done. Had we, I would have probably insisted that she have an abortion. I almost did that anyway (not knowing anything at all about the baby) for financial reasons. I feel profound guilt for having felt that way ... to this day.
I sometimes wonder if there is a sadistic bastard god up there, if only to have someone to blame for things. Then, I realize that there's too much work to get done and let those thoughts float right out of my mind.
As per Aristotle, I would love to see the logos at least get some passing lip service in the daily diatribe... but as you so succinctly point out, it has no place in a polarized world. As Paul Lazarus once said... nah... I have "fairyland" emblazened in the back of my skull. Hi ho. And so on... I'm going to the beach this week... Atlantic ocean. Beer... Children.
They said my name was Rudolph Waltz and that was that. Year after year they pile on detail upon detail. They never shut up. (Page 1, Deadeye Dick)
Sorry for being a poor correspondent. I miss you guys.