I don't disagree with some of the comments about watson
re his admiration for Hitler before the war. In a business sense (& without what we learned later) Hitler appeared to bring order out of chaos in the 1930s, the time when Watson spoke positively of Hitler. But we all know now how in the late 1930s he undid any good with a monumental chaos the tore Europe apart.
I wonder how many people realise how much Winston Churchill looked up to and admired Mussolini ? not many :-)
I mean, Churchill, for example, called Mussolini "the Roman genius" and wrote in the '20s, that, if he had been Italian, he was sure he would have been a Fascist. And even when Italy invaded Ethiopia in 1935, Churchill wasn't particularly angry even about that, although many others in Britain were. It was only when Mussolini declared war on Britain that Churchill's admiration - for obvious reasons! - turned to hatred
All these Hitler & Mussolini comments prove is that at a different time & taken out of context. Much ado can be made of nothing !
So is IBM guilty of the holocaust because at one point in time Watson Snr expressed an opinion about the real perpetrator of the holocaust, before the event, and that he later regretted ?. Or is it a case of throw enough dirt & some will stick ?.
More recent evidence of Churchill's fondness for Facists
"Blinding ignorance does mislead us. O! Wretched mortals, open your eyes!".
-- Leonardo Da Vinci

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June 24, 2004, 09:37:45 AM EDT