For the sake of this discussion, I am parsing this issue down to "one" of the genetic defects that are cause for abortion - Down Syndrome. I have always (until personally confronted) maintained that abortion is a "woman's" right to choose. In many aspects, I still maintain that view. Notice that I didn't say "parents". It is her body and it is more than likely her that will inherit most of the child rearing duties. That stated, Down Syndrome is still considered "grounds" for an abortion. Half of all children born with Down Syndrome have congenital heart defects that can only be corrected through surgery in their first year. Many of them do not live past their teens... etc. They are 4 times more likely to have leukemia. They are 20 times more likely to have early onset of altzheimers, etc... I have now had the priviledge to have met many such kids.
Something profound happens when you see them suffering (and I am now going to the philosophical realm). They are not suffering "all the time". In fact, for many, constant pain is a given in the life equation. They know nothing different. Much like someone who is born blind, their "quality of life" does not include sight. For the sighted, it seems that this is a miserable condition. But there is still time for the profoundly disabled, the blind, the quadriplegics, et al to feel love and purpose. You must ask yourself, would you be willing to continue living 23.5 hours in constant pain for .5 hours of pleasure. Would your life be worth living? Many elderly face this every day, but on the backside of life, it is against the law to humanely euthanize THEM. What gives? Consistency?
Not one child that leaves the hospital is perfect. Which brings me back to the consistency thing - the condition of the baby in the womb should have no bearing on your belief towards abortion. Because of my experience, I see it as extremely clear cut. Either you accept responsibility for your actions or you don't. Just like you can't be "sort of" pregnant. I feel that sensationalizing the issue with worst case scenario horror stories trivializes and ignores the most common "genetic defect" that face most expectant parents - trisomy 21. I think if you do the research, greater than 90% of aborted genetic defect (as detected from amnio) are Down Syndrome children. This is why I'm on your ass right now. Going on vacation for a few weeks so my non reply is not personal.
The happily ever after fails, we've been poisoned by these fairy tales, the lawyers dwell on small details... (per Don Henley)