- demonstrate once again why zIWE is amongst the tiny-few civilized oases, in the Era of Cant.
Ain't real English Great ?!
Nor will I take on, either - the personalization of the Unknowable, by any one of the various names, each-one being thought by millions to be, The Only One worth attending.
What I think defines "The Problem" of making any such decisions as the sort at hand - is the same one which creates so many other massive and massively obnoxious polarizations (instead of humane and profound discussion, followed by *mutually defended* Rights! for Each Person to finally, Choose As S/He Will):
Techno is way-advanced over social convention; ethos, logos and mythos. Our '04 'Gods' are not of our Modern Myths, and most humans appear to Need myth, in order to emulate an invisible Authority -- for the rilly Tough choices as appear. Most..
Of course! the ancient myths cannot extrapolate to today's options.. except via treating the connotation of a metaphor as if it were the denotation == Fundamentalist, literal interpretation of {variously extracted.. multiply-translated words} of 7?-25+ centuries ago.
And those of us living now, but not under the thrall of any one of the various warring God-names: we too must live amidst this endless Right/Wrong Good/Evil worldwide! polarization .. the root expression of that metaphysical "world-of-duality"!
So What To Do ??? - when it's *your* pregnancy. And you live 'here'.
There IS no Single "Right | Good" Answer for all. Until that Fact is fully comprehended, grokked-to-Fullness.. Realized! - all (I can see, that) an honest person can do in the interim is:
FIGHT AGAINST any effort to impose theological homilies upon citizens of a Nation which began from the Clearly Enunciated Decision NOT-ever to become a Theocracy.
..and make Your Own Decision, which will be unlike any other person's decision, because: no one Else is You.
ie. There can be no man abortion /verbose -- at least, that I can imagine.