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New This is so bogus
Swiss court allows Gypsies to sue IBM for Nazi reparations

A Swiss court has cleared the way for Gypsies to sue IBM over published allegations that the computer company's punch-card machines helped the Nazis commit mass murder more efficiently, the plaintiffs' lawyer said Tuesday.

"Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times
[link|mailto:bconnors@ev1.net|contact me]
New Maybe not
It's one thing for the Nazis to buy equipment from IBM to become more efficient.

It's another for the Nazis to go to IBM and ask them to build machines to make them more efficient.

It's yet another for IBM to go to the Nazis and tell them they could help improve their efficiency.

Which one are the gypsies alleging?

Implicitly condoning stupidity since 2001.
New Can't tell
according to the newspaper article:
The campaigners began planning the lawsuit after U.S. author Edwin Black wrote in a 2001 book, IBM and the Holocaust, that IBM punch-card machines enabled the Nazis to make their killing operations more efficient.

That's like suing the car dealer for selling you a car that "makes you more efficient" in causing deaths due to your driving. Worse, it's like trying to blame Ford or GM for building better cars to make you a more efficient drunk driver.
"Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times
[link|mailto:bconnors@ev1.net|contact me]
New Only if you buy that "IBM didn't know".

If you can read this, you are not the President.
New if you buy this
The company has said its German subsidiary, Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen GmbH -- or Dehomag -- was taken over by the Nazis before World War II, and it had no control over operations there.
then I don't think IBM could be held liable even if they knew what was happening.
Darrell Spice, Jr.                      [link|http://www.spiceware.org/cgi-bin/spa.pl?album=./Artistic%20Overpass|Artistic Overpass]\n[link|http://www.spiceware.org/|SpiceWare] - We don't do Windows, it's too much of a chore
New Have that book - gave it up in disgust - wanted

do do nasty things to the very nasty author long before the last page.

I wondered if it was a massive blackmail plot that didn't pay off (IBM refused to play ball). The logic of the author was classic history revisionism. Twas a german who invented the punch-card machine in the 1st place.


"Blinding ignorance does mislead us. O! Wretched mortals, open your eyes!".

-- Leonardo Da Vinci
New Go read the full history
In those days you needed to buy your punch cards from IBM. They had a 100% lock on the market, which included specialised programs for doing census in each country the Nazis overran. And only IBM personell touched the machines. They has IBM personell at death camps for the care and feeding of the machines. With shipments of punch cards coming in.

For a while, IBM was forced to "disown" the German franchise, but at the end of the war it folded fully back in to the parent company.

Thomas Watson (founder of IBM) was a great admirer of Hitler, spent time with him, and recieved medals from him.

New What IBM Personnel ? - working for who ?

In Germany (where this was centralised).

Just be sure of your facts :-)


"Blinding ignorance does mislead us. O! Wretched mortals, open your eyes!".

-- Leonardo Da Vinci
New I'm never sure
I wasn't there.
I see accounts that are probably skewed to fit the politics of the person describing them.

But I see enough that agrees that IBM (in the form of Thomas Watson) probably didn't give a rat's ass who was dying.
New That is also my impression, over decades
- but with no more Religious-certainty than yours.

I suppose, since we're now the visuals-only Tee-Vee generation: it would take a film.. to be convincing overall: showing the familiar suits and IBM badges close-up, and some naked inmates going by in the background. Maybe..

As to Watson - it'd be pretty hard (as with Henry Ford), at this late date to dissuade, rewrite history about his admiration for Authority Figures and particularly Adolf. From de Tocqueville thru Mencken, Sinclair Lewis -- others have noted a certain symbiosis of extreme-'capitalism' and desire for extreme centralized Order, by any Necessary Means\ufffd.

Especially if you own a huge slice of the GNP, under such a religion.


Saw Dachau, up-close. Reeel close to Munich, that.
No chads visible 15 years after-the-murderous-Fact.
New I don't disagree with some of the comments about watson
re his admiration for Hitler before the war. In a business sense (& without what we learned later) Hitler appeared to bring order out of chaos in the 1930s, the time when Watson spoke positively of Hitler. But we all know now how in the late 1930s he undid any good with a monumental chaos the tore Europe apart.

I wonder how many people realise how much Winston Churchill looked up to and admired Mussolini ? not many :-)

I mean, Churchill, for example, called Mussolini "the Roman genius" and wrote in the '20s, that, if he had been Italian, he was sure he would have been a Fascist. And even when Italy invaded Ethiopia in 1935, Churchill wasn't particularly angry even about that, although many others in Britain were. It was only when Mussolini declared war on Britain that Churchill's admiration - for obvious reasons! - turned to hatred

All these Hitler & Mussolini comments prove is that at a different time & taken out of context. Much ado can be made of nothing !

So is IBM guilty of the holocaust because at one point in time Watson Snr expressed an opinion about the real perpetrator of the holocaust, before the event, and that he later regretted ?. Or is it a case of throw enough dirt & some will stick ?.




More recent evidence of Churchill's fondness for Facists


"Blinding ignorance does mislead us. O! Wretched mortals, open your eyes!".

-- Leonardo Da Vinci
Expand Edited by dmarker June 24, 2004, 09:37:45 AM EDT
New DehoMag was a German company
The author of this book is a revisionist and distortionist.

Dehomag was a German company during WW2 although It was 90% owned by IBM of the US, however IBM ceeded full control to German management in an agreement that prevented the German governemnt seizing the company during the war. IBM did its best to retain influence over Dehomag for good business reasons.

Herman Hollerith invented the machines that used punched cards for tabulating and counting. He did so for the 1890 census but it was Powers-Samas (later owned by Remmington Rand) that produced the machines for the 1910 census. Hollerith was of German origin. By the 1930s, unit record equipment was already 50 years old and there were several companies around the world that produced variants of them. The machines came to be known as Unit Record equipment.

By the 1930s the Germans understood them well and knew how to use them. Dehomag was one supplier to the German govt.

It is palpable bullshit for Edwin Black, 60-70 years after the war to blame IBM (USA) who only in the late 1940s resumed control of Dehomag, as responsible for the use of Hollerith machines from Dehomag by the Nazis, during the war.

This author comes across as a bastard who is playing on a time warp and distorted perceptions of :- what was what, who owned what, & who was capable of doing what back in 1940s. He is an oportunist. part of his tactic is honing in on the fact that IBM maintained limited contact with Dehomag during the war. He is guilty of blaming IBM through guilt by association.

Dehomag needed *nothing* from IBM US to produce its hollerith machines, the cards and to program the unit record machine's wire panels.

Dehomag would have told IBM in no uncertain terms, to go and royaly get f***ed if IBM US had ever dared say to them (a German company) not to sell hollerith machines to their own govt during the war. A war that ended up including Germany and the USA as adversaries. Edwin Black's case is both ludicrous and preposterous.

Black tries to imply that Dehomag could not have produced or used the machines & wire panel programs without IBM USA. If this is the best case he can argue, he has no case. To me it is a bit like arguing that Linus couldn't possibly have produced Linux Kernel on his own. Of course! the Germans knew how to manufacture hollerith unit record equipment & they were also amongst the smartest users of them.

The other distortion implies that IBM personel were present at, & advisors to use of, nazi installations of Dehomag hollerith machines during the war. This argument is so naive as to be plainly stupid, even for those who can't see the lie. This implies that Dehomag (a German company) employees had an overriding loyalty to the USA's IBM during a war with America - what utter contemptible garbage!. Dehomag was the only one who knew what work its employees were involved in and much of that was wartime secrecy not passed on to the US.

Dehomag was *not* the only punched card equipment supplier in Germany at the time and Dehomag did design, and was quite capable of designing, their own unique versions of unit record equipment. Black tries to imply that every thing that Dehomag did during the war, was controlled by IBM USA. This is simply not true and no evidence has ever been put forward that it was in anyway likely.

Black also tries to associate the later electronic computer (a world changing device) and IBM's later success, with the pre WW2 unit record hollerith era as if both were the same leading edge 'black art' technology. This is another weakness of his case. Hollerith technology was not complex nor unique as it was already 50 years old. The 'black art' electronic computer came after the war & had f**k all to do with rounding up and categorizing Jews.

Black wants us to believe that IBM in 1930s & early 40s was the great 'black art' technology company it became later & that the later wizardry of electronic computers was applicable in the war era. This is simply distorted crap!.

By Black's logic, National Cash Register is also guilty of partaking in the holocaust. They had a German subsidiary & the Nazis used some NCR designed cash registers & accounting machines to tally the stolen wealth of the holocaust victims (this comparison is about as logical as Black's).

I would dearly love to meet Black in a debate (but I might be tempted to deck the bastard for his written deviousness and the dishonesty in his book).

He to me is just another AdeTI Ken Brown (aka Linus stole Minix).

Doug Marker

Hollerith technology was invented 50 years before WW2.

1905 saw the beginings of ICT company (later to become ICL).

Powers-Samas & Remington Rand - pre 1910

#2 added more detail & refined comments

#3 Added additional historical links & added further comments

"Blinding ignorance does mislead us. O! Wretched mortals, open your eyes!".

-- Leonardo Da Vinci
Expand Edited by dmarker June 24, 2004, 05:56:49 AM EDT
Expand Edited by dmarker June 24, 2004, 07:54:36 AM EDT
New Nice that you are on the other side of the world
I go to sleep and wake up with a passionate, well written, well researched post to absorb.

No arguments. I have not researched enough, or had enough personal knowledge form a valid opinion. I'm leaning with 80% in your direction, with 20% hesitation, probably from pure emotion. And I'm too lazy to read / research further, so I'll leave it at that.

New My awareness is in part because

I was a branch spcialist (as a very very very) young man, on the gear in question.

IBM 011 hand card punch

IBM 024, 026, 029 punch (029 was post war gear)
IBM 056, 059 Verifier (059 was post war gear)
IBM 047 Paper tape to Card punch

I also worked with guys who were the specialist on 083 sorters 421 accounting tabulators 088s etc: etc:

I had seen much of the other equipment (Power-Sama - ICT). I later became a System/360 engineer then a software engineer then a systems engineer then a systems programmer then a ................

Cheers Doug
(so long ago)

"Blinding ignorance does mislead us. O! Wretched mortals, open your eyes!".

-- Leonardo Da Vinci
New Broom - I did like this link of yours :-) + more on Watson


(This guy is being far more diplomatic than me about Black's use of 'facts')

#2 Now have some time to add additional comments re this whole topic.

When it comes to IBM, I have no hesitation in attacking the company & its leaders when it is justified. There are many posts I have made in IWETHEY where I criticize IBM's faults & praise its strengths.

In regard to Thomas Watson senior I could write volumes on him & his life and also offer opinions on his behaviour at different times in his incredible career and life. He has had some extraordinary ups and downs & has been guilty of some amazingly nefarious activities that I believe have only been matched & exceeded by Bill Gates (outlandish business bastardry).

Bill Gates best hope is that he transforms himself into as honest a person as Thomas Watson ended up in his latter years (1930s to 1950s). But Gates suspected medical condition may never allow that.

Watson established early fame as the nations top salesman at NCR under Patterson. NCR was a powerhouse in the early 1900s. But, in Watson's 'dark' years at NCR he headed up (founded) a skunkworks that back in those wild & less regulated days, built deliberately defective clones of NCR competitor's machines, set up temporary shops in the towns these competitors dominated, sold these inferior machines badged as the competitors companies equipment, then shut down & moved on to leave the frustrated customers to take their anger out on the unsuspecting apparent OEM. Both Watson & NCR owner Patterson received federal convictions for this bastardry but were saved by fate. A major flood hit Dayton Ohio after their convictions & NCR driven by Patterson & put in place by Watson, saved many lives by manufacturing punt boats in NCRs factories & using them to save many grateful people.

The pair became heros. Patterson & Watson appealed against their convictions (jail time involved) & were ultimately successful on a technicality (& some sympathy) despite their clear guilt & the enormity of the offense.

Later, NCR's Patterson decided Watson had to go. Watson found out when he turned up for work one day to find his desk & belongings on the NCR front lawn, on fire. For some weeks he suffered the indignity of having a desk in a corridor. Watson shortly thereafter decide to part ways with NCR and later joined a strugling company called ITR (International Time Recording company). Watson was still at his peak as a national salesman. He gained managerial control of ITR which later (1924) became IBM. Watson had became president & obtained a good shareholding in the company. Watson shows lots of evidence of having learned to be more honest (compared to his 'dark' days) & actually became a pillar of business morality even though some people felt he was still very dominant.

IMHO, Watson was not quite the bastard Bill Gates is. But, I have always believed that Bill Gates got his greatest inspiration from Watson except Gates with his 'slightly autistic' tendancies, was much more inherently amoral & still hasn't yet shown the signs that Watson definately did, that he can learn to become an honorable & respectable person. The US Justice dept forced Gates to step down as CEO of Microsoft in favour of Ballmer. Watson never had to suffer such a managerial indignity (unless his federal conviction (overturned) is considered worse). I would argue that the mitigating factor in Watson's favour over Gates actions, was that in the 1910s business was more of a wild west than in Gates days & that Watson never showed Gates nerd (autistic) tendancies.

My proof of how inferior Gates is to what Watson was, is how one of today's most respected US businessman, Lou Gerstner, could barely disguise his contempt for Gates in business as a dishonest showy bit of sh*t.

Anyway, my point here is that I have no 'hero worship' of Watson. Am quite happy I know his strengths & weaknesses (so much more I could add), but I consider Edwin Black's book about IBM & the holocaust to be exactly the same genre as the book that was going to be published about Linus, Linix & Minix.

I still feel that I could deck Edwin Black if I met him & discovered he had no better evidence & conviction than came across in his vindictive book. Black did extraordinary damage to a company and to people who did not deserve it or were were too dignified to respond such that would have given even more attention to his garbage mongering book.

I ask anyone to say how they would respond, as a respectable global corporation, to highly controversial but dubious sensationalism that went back to the earliest days of the company, at a time of war & had little to do with what the company had later become at the time the author decided to manufacture his book. Black's widespread press coverage was because of what IBM had become & not what it was or what Dehomag was at the time of the events he wrote of.

In 1930s IBM was hardly a household name (I had not heard of IBM until the 1960s ! - if I had heard of them before, it never registered as they were *not* a household name). In the 1930s & 40s, the word 'computer' *did not exist* in ordinary language anywhwere (that came in the 1960s). Hardly anyone knew about punched cards & punched card machines (that came a little in the 50s & more in the 60s), IBM did became a powerhouse in the 1950s & 60s & it was in this era that IBM 1st ran foul of the US justice dept & the 1st consent decree was enforced (1956). It was the 1960s that made IBM's real fame - the advent of the electronic computer era.

One of Black's most identifiable lies is on the cover of his 'book'. Black would have everyone believe that IBM was 'world famous' in pre-history. He has been severely criticised for this aspect of his book. This proof of his dishonesty is on the front cover where he makes this barefacedly dishonest assertion that underpins so much of his sensationalism "The strategic alliance between Nazi Germany and America's most powerful corporation". IBM was absolutely nothing like America's most powerful corporation in the 1930s or 1940s - this is an unmitgated lie. Ford might almost have qualified for such a title then, Standard oil might have a few years earlier. IBM at its peak was at best 25% of AT&T. Dehomag *was* a respectable company in Germany at that time but even it was not anywhere earning such a title. Black is a sensationalist liar.

Anyway - you clearly know how I feel about this Edwin Black 'person'. Same level of respect I hold for Ken Brown (The linus stole Minix for Linux man). Why did a poor Korean end up as a jihadist scarifice when both Ken Brown & Edwin Black would both earn the jihadists so much support from all sides and truly done the world a favour.




"Blinding ignorance does mislead us. O! Wretched mortals, open your eyes!".

-- Leonardo Da Vinci
Expand Edited by dmarker June 25, 2004, 06:31:37 AM EDT
New So does this means Jewish people and homosexual people
can sue as well? They were the other two groups that were primary targets...
Two out of three people wonder where the other one is.
New what about jewish homosexuals, do they get 2 checks?
Anchorage AK: House for sale 3 bed 1 bath 1440 sq feet huge lot near Cheney Lake 175K FSBO 813.273.3518
I wondered what Darwinian moment had to effect itself before we devolved from children flying paper flags in the sky to half formed creatures thundering in a wall of horns down the road to Roncevaux. James Lee Burke
questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
     This is so bogus - (lincoln) - (16)
         Maybe not - (drewk) - (3)
             Can't tell - (lincoln) - (2)
                 Only if you buy that "IBM didn't know". -NT - (mmoffitt) - (1)
                     if you buy this - (SpiceWare)
         Have that book - gave it up in disgust - wanted - (dmarker)
         Go read the full history - (broomberg) - (8)
             What IBM Personnel ? - working for who ? - (dmarker) - (6)
                 I'm never sure - (broomberg) - (5)
                     That is also my impression, over decades - (Ashton) - (1)
                         I don't disagree with some of the comments about watson - (dmarker)
                     DehoMag was a German company - (dmarker) - (2)
                         Nice that you are on the other side of the world - (broomberg) - (1)
                             My awareness is in part because - (dmarker)
             Broom - I did like this link of yours :-) + more on Watson - (dmarker)
         So does this means Jewish people and homosexual people - (Meerkat) - (1)
             what about jewish homosexuals, do they get 2 checks? -NT - (boxley)

Whoze Kewl, whoze tepid and whoze nonexistent.
136 ms