Re: first you have to define defect
My daughter was born with Down Syndrome. It's funny, but had I known about it while still in the womb, I could possibly have said, "what kind of quality of life would she have?", "she can never be independent", etc... I now realize one more question that should be asked - "who the fuck am I to decide what a "decent quality of life" is?" (not in any way directed toward you Box, just making my point - I know what your post is about).
My daughter, Elise, is a happy, healthy child. She loves life. She may never be totally independent, but there are no guarantees when you bring a child home from the hospital. There is the broken car glass that can change it all. There is mental illness which doesn't show up until the late teens, etc...
I don't necessarily know how I stand on the abortion issue. If you believe a fetus is a "human being", then it is murder. If you believe the fetus is not then it is a medical procedure. I don't know where I stand on this issue. What I do know, is that hypocrisy exists when "pro-lifers" assuage their guilt by choosing to abort babies based on amnio/"whatkindofqualityoflife" excuses. It's hard as hell to raise a kid, let alone a special needs kid. I know. I know.
Aside, as per my daughter, Elise. If she is representative of what Down syndrome is, more parents should aspire to have Down syndrome children. Seriously. She is an absolute joy. I couldn't be more proud to be her father.
Just a few thoughts,