Pearls before swine.
M$ has successfully redefined not merely innovation but adequacy and normal too.
In the TLA-besotted 80-IQ Bizness suited class - it has now become 'normal' for crashes, reboots, RRR (get the PFY to do it again - he's cheap and no perks). IIS got a bug again..? second since last Monday? Load the backups - all of 'em. I got a meeting; don't bother me with this tech stuff.
Worst of all (for everyone not-M$) it has become normal to assume the supine position: to willingly (enthusiastically even) flush, dump perfectly working hardware, load 'new' and retrain: every couple years, (year?) and to deem the costs/seat: normal too.
Wanna bet that even the new licensing rape shall soon be accepted as mere seduction, then.. kinda kinky sex? Let's have *more*, that was soo good (I get more money for my CTO Empire! and that corner office.. and more PFYs in stable).
CEO - What, me worry? I parachute outta here and do it again - I'm on everybody's BODs already. What was the name of this Company, again?
Only difference I can see between Their Taleban and Ours: B n'B are after only your business life and property - not your immoral soul (though religious fervor for Our Stuff is always rewarded.. with more frequent chances to re-buy Our Stuff).
Hook, line, sinker. From DOJ on down, seems they last as long as also lasts: <5% owning >60% of It All. Tame rabbits don't often organize for reform.
Oh well. Dystopias are like that, especially bizness ones.