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New I *HEART* my 23-inch widescreen 16:10 LCD monitor

\r\nWell, my trusty 19-inch Sony trinitron has served me well for over 6 years, and it was recently repaired (some failed electronics). I have long been tempted by the Apple Cinema Displays but their obvious limitations when used with non-Mac systems (software white-level control, auto power-on/power-off) made me hesistant to indulge in them.\r\n


\r\nThe only other game in town here in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada was an 23-inch LG Flatiron. Gorgeous screen and design, with a nifty media box containing a multitude of connectors, including component video. Unfortunately, it retails for CND$4,500.00. Ouch!\r\n


\r\nBut then, enter the BenQ FP231W, based on new 16ms screen by LG, retailing at CND$2,500.00. I got it today and configured XFree86 4.3 to drive it at 1920x1200@60Hz with a Radeon 7500 through the DVI-D connection. Yay! It works. Prepared 5 images for pixel defect testing - white, black, red, green, blue - ran them in a keyboard control slideshow (fullscreen of course) and ... joy of joy ... it appears to not have any stuck-on or dead subpixels.\r\n


\r\nThe Radeon 7500 doesn't output through DVI when booting until X starts up, so that's bad. I worked around that by connecting the D-Sub connection as well. This way, I get to see boot messages etc. should I need to. Best outcome would be to get a new card which will output text-mode through DVI-D as well. Does anyone know if the Radeon 9200 do so? I would prefer to be able to stick to the open-sourced drivers if possible whilst keeping 3D capability for bzflag.\r\n


\r\nThe other thing that I'm seeing could possibly be the result of the underpowered Radeon 7500. Some tearing shows up when moving windows opaquely, becoming worse when I grab a window and shake it around the screen.\r\n


\r\nHaven't tested out the S-Video and Composite connectors. The USB 2.0 hub works, and there's even one port right on the top of the monitor's bezel, apparently for an attached USB camera. Two of the ports are on the lower left of the bezel, and the last one is in the back, where the connectors are. \r\n


\r\nThe stand is a pneumatic that's lockable when fully descended. I can tilt and swivel the screen but there's no landscape mode.\r\n


\r\nNon-native resolution signals fed through D-Sub are scaled well. The resulting text is quite readable actually. Not that I need it since the DVI-D is working well. I'm still quite surprised that my card could drive the monitor.\r\n


\r\nIf the HP L2335 was available in Canada, I think I would have gone for it over the BenQ. The HP includes component video inputs, allowing for it to be used as a HDTV as-is with a HD set-top box.\r\n


\r\nOverall impression: The colours are more muted when compared to the vibrant colours on the 19-inch Sony. The colour temperature settings should hopefully let me get a better colour gamut - I can save 1 custom setting. Text scrolling is a beautiful sight to behold, especially compared to the "ghosting" on my Dad's 12-inch Powerbook. Whee! \r\n

\r\n\r\nNow, if only it wasn't so warm...27 Celsius ... *sheesh*\r\n\r\n\r\n
New <Green>Envy!</Green>
New awesome :)
New *drool*

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New You can also use GAMMA in X.
GAMMA control in X is sometimes an answer for this kind of thing. I currently use Gamma when gaming so I can get better crispness.

BTW, *SHUN* for getting that thing...

/me is envious.
[link|http://www.iwethey.org/ed_curry|REMEMBER ED CURRY!] @ iwethey

Heard near the SCOG employee entry/exit way:

  Security: We got another Mass Exodus Doorway Jam.
New Re: You can also use GAMMA in X.

\r\nOh yes, forgot about that. The monitor claims a gamma of 2.20 in the DDC info. I will need to read up more on XFree86's gamma control and what all those numbers really mean.\r\n

New Re: You can also use GAMMA in X.
It's straightforward - you bring up a graduated pattern of grey bars and adjust until they merge evenly from white to black. I get a significant brightness boost on my laptop.
New I am working hard not to be envious
It seems to be working.
After all, I do have dual 21" Sun flatscreen CRTs.

But 23" continuous?

New verrry nice...
Have fun,
Carl Forde
New Where do you live?
New Re: Where do you live?

I'm not in Vancouver proper. I'm in Coquitlam, 5 minutes walk to the Silvercity Coquitlam multiplex cinema. I got the monitor from the Futureshop in Coquitlam Centre. I seemed to have taken the last one they have in stock. The Futureshop @ Broadway has one on display as well. The one in Metrotown don't even stock it, while the one downtown does, but doesn't have it on display.

Expand Edited by StevenYap June 20, 2004, 08:47:46 PM EDT
New A heart stopping moment

\r\nSpent the afternoon lowering the computer table (it's an Ikea JERKER table). After plugging everything back in, the monitor would NOT turn on.




Wait, what's that noise .... high pitch whine coming from the monitor's power-brick. That wasn't there yesterday. So, I'm thinking the brick's crapped out.


Inspiration struck, and I double checked the power-plug connected to the monitor. Turns out, I had plugged it with the wrong orientation. Switch it around, and the thing LIVES. Pheww!


Moral of the story: Pay attention, and don't force plugs in when they resist.


One thing the monitor has shown me is that I need better adjusted spectacles. My prescription is rather extreme, at least amongst people I know with eye-aids, -10 & -11 dioptre. I'm seeing "curved" straight lines towards the edges, and that's not possible on a LCD, is it?\r\n

     I *HEART* my 23-inch widescreen 16:10 LCD monitor - (StevenYap) - (11)
         <Green>Envy!</Green> -NT - (Another Scott)
         awesome :) -NT - (deSitter)
         *drool* -NT - (pwhysall)
         You can also use GAMMA in X. - (folkert) - (2)
             Re: You can also use GAMMA in X. - (StevenYap) - (1)
                 Re: You can also use GAMMA in X. - (deSitter)
         I am working hard not to be envious - (broomberg)
         verrry nice... -NT - (cforde)
         Where do you live? -NT - (inthane-chan) - (1)
             Re: Where do you live? - (StevenYap)
         A heart stopping moment - (StevenYap)

I'm reconciled to the existence of idiots in the world, but I'm bitterly resentful of whoever it was who first thought to make computer technology available to them.
71 ms