Now you exist! .. or at least \ufffdappear\ufffd through a substantial minefield of academic filters (the WebWashers of academe?)
Hmmm - if you order any authors reprints, please put me down for a couple at whatever-$. Pity I don't know any of the curent crop of physicists, esp. theoreticians, though I might pulse the system if a little agitation is in order (?)
It is bizarre though (and has been brought up on zIWE before) - the Super-Beast stranglehold of a few Sci publishers; the *prices* for merely current Information, on any subscription basis.
(My friend who worked for MAIK-Nauka, the Russ equiv. ~ US Academy of Sciences - tales of the 'attitude' of major players in that cartel's Suited class. They sounded a lot like the leaked e-mails from Enron re the CA energy-scam.)
Oh well; one windmill at a time. So much for Information Should Be Free! and other Pollyanna dreams within the Grasping Age.
Hope you get some decently clever responses; some without the word, heretic!. May they not Super-string you up!