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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New BirthDay!
Now you exist! .. or at least \ufffdappear\ufffd through a substantial minefield of academic filters (the WebWashers of academe?)

Hmmm - if you order any authors reprints, please put me down for a couple at whatever-$. Pity I don't know any of the curent crop of physicists, esp. theoreticians, though I might pulse the system if a little agitation is in order (?)

It is bizarre though (and has been brought up on zIWE before) - the Super-Beast stranglehold of a few Sci publishers; the *prices* for merely current Information, on any subscription basis.

(My friend who worked for MAIK-Nauka, the Russ equiv. ~ US Academy of Sciences - tales of the 'attitude' of major players in that cartel's Suited class. They sounded a lot like the leaked e-mails from Enron re the CA energy-scam.)

Oh well; one windmill at a time. So much for Information Should Be Free! and other Pollyanna dreams within the Grasping Age.

Hope you get some decently clever responses; some without the word, heretic!. May they not Super-string you up!

New It is not so bizarre
It has been brought up, mainly because I can't stop referring people to [link|http://www.arl.org/arl/proceedings/138/guedon.html|http://www.arl.org/a...s/138/guedon.html].

The underlying cause of the high prices is that science(*) really does have a shared value system. This shows up as a branching tree of importance within science, with a small number of journals mattering to all of science, and then you branch out from there. Through how people refer to each other you can uncover this structure.

Once publishers can clearly identify what does (and does not) have value to customers (eg university libraries), they are in a better bargaining position. Once the behaviour of their clients is understood, and they know how to manipulate new properties into being more valuable, a pricing spiral starts.

All basic economics. The hard part was figuring out how to identify what journals have value. And once that was done...


* By science I mean hard science**. There is no pricing crisis in the social sciences because they DON'T have an objective-enough foundation to generate the kind of agreement that makes the identification of core journals in the hard sciences.

** Usually when I say "science" I exclude math. But in this case math does act like the hard sciences.
To deny the indirect purchaser, who in this case is the ultimate purchaser, the right to seek relief from unlawful conduct, would essentially remove the word consumer from the Consumer Protection Act
- [link|http://www.techworld.com/opsys/news/index.cfm?NewsID=1246&Page=1&pagePos=20|Nebraska Supreme Court]
New I think just so bizarre
I do not fathom why this is NOT NON-PROFIT, intuitively. Certainly I do not buy your rationale as any seeming 'justification', though it may well describe the accepted formula for $$-generation.. accepted by some default of brainwork by the marks? No, I don't accuse you of advocacy :-\ufffd

This is again, and ever more purely - Machiavellian standards applied to every human action, about *anything* that might conceivably be sold to a captive bunch - to exploit, no matter the "nature" of the "product". The Econ of Pure Materialism, no?
(These aren't how-to plans for a new cel-fone / mayonnaise dispenser)

Exploit as in, charging far in excess of any profit model which is based upon actual production costs (of simply relaying Other Persons' Work and little of your own) plus an *earned* sane profit-% over costs.

Reverse monopoly here: your clients are Universities. Your rip-off is funds as might have gone for their raison d'etre. You can't (practically..) have "a market of competing small publishers" because that's absurd in context of these hoary Societies and the meaning of publishment as it relates to advancement and all those imponderables.

This #excessive greed directly interferes with general education throughout a or all societies. Like M$ - stealing via monopoly. What else is needed to deem this scurrility? (Except to the core-Repo mindset as sees all of life to be a profit opportunity without limit. But That is a religious view, however such an obviously impoverised one.)

Lastly, it is abrogating to Babbit, the finding? claimed knowledge of? these nodes of Personalities that are believed to signify [What! - importance of Ideas or of Connections !?] cha cha

That bizarre, then.

# or maybe that's ~ a little bit pregnant.

Shall we next sell those 4.333 GPAs directly at auction, cut out the Middlemen? There's a Market for numbers that are supposed to measure 'us' as to Importance. That's where I see these mindsets leading. Pshaw. as in gigo.
     Hey! I'm published! - (deSitter) - (15)
         Damned Nice, Ross. Very impressive! -NT - (mmoffitt)
         Most Excellent! -NT - (imric)
         All right! - (a6l6e6x)
         Terrific! Congrats! -NT - (FuManChu)
         Congrats! -NT - (ben_tilly)
         BirthDay! - (Ashton) - (2)
             It is not so bizarre - (ben_tilly) - (1)
                 I think just so bizarre - (Ashton)
         congrats! -NT - (cforde)
         I have a copy on my desktop - (boxley)
         Great! - keep it up :-) - cheers D -NT - (dmarker)
         Well done! Keep an eye out for citations! -NT - (Another Scott)
         Do you get payd for this? - (Arkadiy) - (1)
             nope - (deSitter)
         Very nice! Congrats! - (jb4)

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