Hardly.. this is Fundamentalism, the anthropomorphizing of 'god' into that familiar xenophonbia, Kill Everyone Not Like Me. With the standard bafflegab expected..
It's equal-opportunity; you don't have to be a Muslim- lunatic to be a lunatic. Of course, the incantations come in different accents; Kill a Commie for Christ will do as well. (Some say merely, Kill All the Queers for God; .. pikers.)
Nintendo? nahh, that's just mindless digitainment to fill the hours, lest the slightest awareness or {cringe} thought creep into the place where consciousness might have been. More like cocaine, that -
These guys were on uncut-100% Religio-Heroin.
As the polarization in US reaches unprecedented intensity, communication becoming ever more impossible, via deliberate language murder and dissembling all around:
I expect we shall nuke a few millions, depending on what happens Nov. 2 here, and .. other imponderables from Pakistan to Israel. For God[s], natch. Always the Excuse when you've just done something Exhilarating .. and Despicable.