When HUAC was protectin us from explosive materials on the written page - in the days of My Gramma and many more o'them Stirrin Speeches about Freedom, Liberty and th'Murican Way -
Why, Men were Men. You flash that paperback copy of The Commyunist Manifesto thing and .. well, Folks Knew What to Do. Yessir no pussyfooting around ('specially if'n ya was a nigra a wantin to register! to vote [!] or say you was preggsie and you wanted somethin besides a coat-hanger - say because you was 15 and it was Daddy's? or somethin. No Siree, girl! - ya Face It like a Man! and ya gets two, TWO for One: a new brother AND a son.)
Yeah, that judge's little homily kinda makes one o' those LUMPS -- why, it brings back.. brings back.. that teensy-little gap 'twixt Fine Fanciful Palaver and the Guts to ever make it mean somethin. Like: when there's a Risk to Say Them Things, amidst the lynchin party with yer buds (?)
We need to revisit our heroes like Citizen Cohn, n' the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee. And Larry Parks. And Ronald Reagan - a real Patriotic Murican what tried to hep ol HUAC to Clean Up Hollywood, the old fashined way: by informin about stuff heard by someone about someone .. at parties n'stuff.
THEY'd know what to do with some prissy activist "artist", a plottin and a conspirin to Change the Good-ol USA with them fancy exhibits. And all them intellekkshull words and stuff. Hmmm 'Kurtz' - is that a Jewish name?
Hail Columbia,
The Gem of the Ocean