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New What war?
If we are supposed to be at war w/ terrorism then my guess is that so far we haven't succeeded in inconveniencing any terrorists in Afganistan except by accident

I think it is also highly unlikely that anthrax is unrelated to 9/11 (do not multiply entities unnecessarily...)

does this make the govt 0 for 2 ?

Play I Some Music w/ Papa Andy
Saturday 8 PM - 11 PM ET
All Night Rewind 11 PM - 5 PM
Reggae, African and Caribbean Music
New Will next Tuesday be soon enough
for formal capitulation worldwide? (Maybe if that date slips, we can just turn it over to the amateur spelunkers for a cave by cave victory.)

New You want instant gratification or what?
Time frames mentioned have been up to 50 years, so I don't think we have a winner or loser in the first month.

For certain things have changed for the Taliban - their success at conventional warfare is over. When B52s start [link|http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/p/nm/20011031/wl/mdf77532.html| running over your positions], you simply don't have positions anymore. Its off to hide in the hills, leaving the tanks, artillery, aircraft and cities behind. Soon we'll have to start batting the ears of the Northern Alliance to keep them in line (and focused on the hills).

For sure the American public wants instant gratification, but they aren't going to get it, so a few months from now this whole thing will be forgotten by the public and the media, just like Iraq - but the fighting will go on.

And, as with every conflict we get into, we will soon have a "Little Kabul" district in Los Angeles, to go with Little Tokyo, Koreatown, Little Saigon, Monterey Park (Chinese), the Iranian district, and many others. So long as they open some good restaurants, that's fine with me.
New Re: I back Andrew here ...

Does anyone recall how fearsome the Iraqis were painted right up to the point they got trashed ?. Am not saying that has happened here but I pose the following questions. Iraq had one of the largest and most modern armies in the world. They had a fearsome array of weaponry.

Now there is a psychology that supports the idea that when you are winning and have overwhelming power (fire power, logistics, technology etc: etc:) and you are up against a foe that if it looks like you are creaming them, might cause a massive reaction, that you play up how mighty they are and how tough they are but you still cream them.

The art of winning at war is to win the power. A strategy that has you winning completely, but gives your flattened enemy due recognition, offers egos the opportunity to accept defeat.

Winning one side wars where the victor trumpets their superiority and rubs their humiliated enemy's nose in their defeat might please some simple minded folk but lays the foundations for hate & enmity that can be difficult to deal with.

For me, the day that the US becane implying how hard it was to fight the Taliban & how tough they were, left me with the sense that the US knows what it needs to do to flatten them but in playing a cool hand is now giving them some credit in order to minimise the frightening impact of millions of crazed muslim loonies in Paki & Indonesia sekking revenge for the next 50 years.

The Afghans had f*** all by way of any decent military capacity. A joke compared with Iraq. The other factor is just how far the new weaponry has come since its debut in Iraq. The US military is just testing carefully at the moment.

The Taliban military couldn't finish off the pathetic Northern Alliance short of sending in hit teams disguised as news reporters to take out Masood. Sure the US hasn't got quite the forces lined up against Afghanistan as there were agianst Iraq, but they aren't needed. But could be put there if ever they were.

As was said several weeks back - the Omar & his Taliban leadership are toast - & we are just playing out the curtain calls.


Doug Marker

Watch this space (grin)
New Afghan food is recommended
If any Afghan restaurants open up in your neighbourhood, try it.

Think sort of like Indian, except not nearly as spicy and with lots of dill.

New Re: Afghan food is recommended
For anyone in the SF Bay Area, try Afghan Village in Newark. It's really good.
New or what?
I don't really expect any gratification from this

I haven't seen any statement by our leaders that the Taliban did anything more than harbor the terrorists and refused to turn them over (others claim that Al Qaeda and the Taliban are one but the govt isn't making that claim)
Crushing (if that is what eventually occurs) the Taliban seems like a bad substitute for going after the actual perpertrators of the crime (that is the idea isn't it?)

One minute the terrs are really hard to find and then this week we get a warning based on intercepts of their communications
sounds like 9/11 all over
we had no warning but after the fact we had tons of intercepts that prove they did it

and what about anthrax?


Play I Some Music w/ Papa Andy
Saturday 8 PM - 11 PM ET
All Night Rewind 11 PM - 5 PM
Reggae, African and Caribbean Music
New Then why write doggerel questions? Read some history.
     What war? - (andread) - (7)
         Will next Tuesday be soon enough - (Ashton)
         You want instant gratification or what? - (Andrew Grygus) - (5)
             Re: I back Andrew here ... - (dmarker2)
             Afghan food is recommended - (ben_tilly) - (1)
                 Re: Afghan food is recommended - (rsf)
             or what? - (andread) - (1)
                 Then why write doggerel questions? Read some history. -NT - (Ashton)

Dr. Ashton prescribes a nice warm cup of cloaca cocoa.
77 ms