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New Well...now its local....
[link|http://www.cnn.com/2001/HEALTH/conditions/10/31/nj.suspected.anthrax/index.html|Anthrax found at my local sorting facility] All my mail goes through here.

Friend a couple of doors away works at the facility...kids are friendly and over at each others house all the time. They haven't forced him to be tested yet...to the best of my knowledge...but I haven't talked to him yet today...most likey he will be put on Cipro.

I think whomever is responsible may have succeeded in finally making me nervous.

You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New Naa AMI is across the street from us
ya get used to it. Cough, sniff
tshirt front "born to die before I get old"
thshirt back "fscked another one didnja?"
New I knew you were close..
...to the initial site...

was hoping that Trenton was as close as it would get to me...no offense.

You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New It has been local for me from day 1
I am not just talking about it being in my city.

I am talking basic inconveniences, heightened security, people I know, the memorials scattered around, the tents next door where they are putting the bodies back together, the people from Moodys who we are putting up temporarily at work...

You will learn to live with it.

New I hoped that some time
..after a decent interval, that is - we might hear from you a few vignettes from one actually at the scene. No, not pointedly ghoulish .. maybe more Dickensian than that? (though.. whatever you saw, you saw)

It seems that the small screen cannot remotely capture the aspect of the devastation (now daily changing). A full-size newspaper picture was more powerful, perhaps enhanced by the B&W starkness. I also heard/read about a local photographer working from privileged vantages, and early-on - many stills and all in 8x10 color, for later local display - perhaps at MOMA?

He particularly remarked on the need for large format, to come close to capturing the full sense of it all; forget 'digital'/ 35mm IHhO. He mentioned the effect of lighting at various times, the kinds of debris reflecting and making a part of the minute detail stand out. Perhaps that exhibit should travel.. everyone is involved, after all.

Just a thought; maybe not a good one. Hope you and yours are coming back to somewhere near normal adrenaline levels.

New slightly OT
saw an enquirer (gotta buy them to support friends and neighbors) had a picture I would like to frame, four firemen coming out of the rubble labeled the "Right Stuff" should get a pulitzer in my opinion.
tshirt front "born to die before I get old"
thshirt back "fscked another one didnja?"
New You had to be there...
The stuff that hits home is not the sensational stuff. It is the stuff which disrupts what you are used to.

Things like when you accidentally walk towards the side entrance and say, "Shoot. Can't do that any more. Gotta go out the main door where they have the security checkpoint."

If you hadn't seen the neighbourhood before, then the after isn't so strange. I mean the dump trucks in front of the UN and all just seem alien if you weren't used to it before they blocked traffic.

New Well I knew that....
..and I'm concerned about the woman in NY that caught inhalation form with no connection to the other cases.

We finally got access through both sides of our building...they got 2 more card readers...woohoo!
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

     Well...now its local.... - (bepatient) - (7)
         Naa AMI is across the street from us - (boxley) - (1)
             I knew you were close.. - (bepatient)
         It has been local for me from day 1 - (ben_tilly) - (4)
             I hoped that some time - (Ashton) - (2)
                 slightly OT - (boxley)
                 You had to be there... - (ben_tilly)
             Well I knew that.... - (bepatient)

We'll all still go there on holiday, get the shits, and complain about their hilariously bad plumbing.
43 ms