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New Doesn't fit the other patterns.
If you look at the other attacks you'll see big explosives and lots of possible casualties.

The anthrax scare has fewer than a handful of deaths.

Realistically, they'd get more casualties with a rifle or grenade during rush hour. More effective, too.

I don't know who might be doing it, but it doesn't look like ObL's work (or the work of his associates).

The world is a lot more complex than our government would like us to believe.
New Misguided attack.
The world is a lot more complex than our government would like us to believe.

As much as *I* distrust them - the government, from day one has said "We don't know who's doing this" - not "Its Osama again!" They were quick to point the finger after the planes, but not this time.

Which makes me suspect that 1) they really don't have enough to be sure 2) they know its not, and aren't going to distract right now.

But its the *media* , and the public, trying to have "one" threat.

New Could be a feint attack
If I were working for Al-Qaeda and was planning something big, say a bombing or massive shooting, I'd have one my comrades do something like the 'anthrax in a letter' attack. It keeps the public's and FBI's eyes away from me while I work.
     Factoring PC into the warfare equation - (bluke) - (18)
         Re: Factoring PC into the warfare equation - (gtall)
         What a display of wrong-headedness! - (Arkadiy) - (4)
             A war for annihilating a culture? - (marlowe) - (3)
                 The only reliable way to annihilate a culture is... - (Arkadiy) - (2)
                     If that culture cannot be taught not to attack us . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
                         Re: If that culture cannot be taught not to attack us . . - (Arkadiy)
         what's with all this Colin Powell stuff? - (cwbrenn) - (2)
             Haven't you heard? - (mmoffitt) - (1)
                 All I've read - (cwbrenn)
         *sigh* - (Brandioch) - (8)
             Domestic anthrax? - (cwbrenn) - (3)
                 Doesn't fit the other patterns. - (Brandioch) - (2)
                     Misguided attack. - (addison)
                     Could be a feint attack - (rsf)
             You arnt suggesting giving up all freedom? - (boxley) - (3)
                 I don't think he is - (tuberculosis)
                 Todd got it. - (Brandioch) - (1)
                     Good enough to become a working Creed, y'know? - (Ashton)

Users will choose dancing pigs just about every time.
47 ms