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New *sigh*
#1. The enemy leaders usually die AT THE END OF THE WAR. If they die earlier, the war is over.

#2. The US public wants "surgical" strikes. The US public doesn't want to support baby-killers any more.

#3. There is nothing wrong with targeting tanks and such for months (or longer) before moving ground troops in. Would YOU want to be a grunt facing a tank? Let the military fight the war the way they want to. It's their lives.

That being said, I feel like slapping anyone who doesn't realize that this "war" is impossible to "win".

We aren't fighting a specific person or state or anything.

We are fighting a mindset.

Mindsets don't get changed with bombs and bullets.

Kill ObL today, tomorrow there will be a whole new generation willing to follow in his footsteps. They don't have ANYTHING TO LOSE! They get to be HEROS for their people.

And remember, it isn't just those stupid rag-heads coming in on 2 year visas. Tim McVeigh. The Unibomber. I still think the anthrax crap is domestic.

The only way to get a grip on terrorism is to surrender all your civil rights.

Any freedom can be exploited by terrorists.

Deal with it.
New Domestic anthrax?
An interesting theory... and I haven't seen it discussed much. However, I do remember that some guy with supposed ties to a white-supremacist group was caught ordering anthrax from a laboratory -- apparently, he did it with very little trouble.

Do you think it's a sympathetic party within the US, as a US cell or something, or do you think it's a completely different group capitalizing on the situation?
"We are all born originals -- why is it so many of us die copies?"
- Edward Young
New Doesn't fit the other patterns.
If you look at the other attacks you'll see big explosives and lots of possible casualties.

The anthrax scare has fewer than a handful of deaths.

Realistically, they'd get more casualties with a rifle or grenade during rush hour. More effective, too.

I don't know who might be doing it, but it doesn't look like ObL's work (or the work of his associates).

The world is a lot more complex than our government would like us to believe.
New Misguided attack.
The world is a lot more complex than our government would like us to believe.

As much as *I* distrust them - the government, from day one has said "We don't know who's doing this" - not "Its Osama again!" They were quick to point the finger after the planes, but not this time.

Which makes me suspect that 1) they really don't have enough to be sure 2) they know its not, and aren't going to distract right now.

But its the *media* , and the public, trying to have "one" threat.

New Could be a feint attack
If I were working for Al-Qaeda and was planning something big, say a bombing or massive shooting, I'd have one my comrades do something like the 'anthrax in a letter' attack. It keeps the public's and FBI's eyes away from me while I work.
New You arnt suggesting giving up all freedom?
I thought you were more like me, get used to living with the sh*t and kill them when you can.
tshirt front "born to die before I get old"
thshirt back "fscked another one didnja?"
New I don't think he is
I don't think he is.

He's making a point.

Worst thing these assholes have done is destroy the *illusion* of safety most Americans have been living under.

Everything is dangerous. Most anything can kill you. Its a crap shoot. Try to have a good time while you can and stay alert.

Heck, some guy got flattened a couple weeks ago driving across the bay bridge going home. A construction barricade landed on his car and flattened it, killing him and producing a commutter's nightmare for the whole evening. My 1/2 hour bus ride turned into a 2 1/2 hour ordeal.

New Todd got it.
We aren't safe.
We never were safe.
We won't be safe.

Not without going 100% fascist.
Total lockdown of your ENTIRE life.

Anything less than that can be exploited.
Any freedom can be used against you.

There are a lot of people out there who will try to take your freedoms, one by one, to "protect" you.

They won't be able to protect you.

Keep your freedoms.
New Good enough to become a working Creed, y'know?
But then.. we'd have to worry about someone Deifying *Thee*.

{harp arpeggios over Zildjian cymbal brushed lightly in 5/4 time.}
{Fade-in to}

The darkling mirror clears and reveals a supplicant on knees near a K-Mart polyester Damask-ish bedspread, intoning -

Rogue-Saint Brandioch, save me from all things which go bump in the night. Lead me not into temptation, but give me the credit cards with which to buy them all now. Deliver me from evil unpredictability. Assure that I shall dwell forever in blessed certainty that nothing shall go wrong.. go wrong.. go wro -=-=-=

{scene fades into mushroomy-cloud bkg. surmounted with a dewed, freshly-plucked single rosebud, rampant upon a Gucci purse}
{sound fades-in from ppp < into the dissonant first movement of the Honegger Christmas Cantata}

Verily I say unto thee amigo, do not go gently into That good night. They'll tear yer clothes off fer a relic, blame you for that canker sore just before the Big night, and finally..

Sell plaster dolls fer the UAV windshield, build giant structures and train acolytes to speak in tongues..

ax=16328h bx=77340h Zope internal error 3211 Home/mea/culpa null Punter error {(Hello(world)) Goodbye} omnes omnes post coitum triste O mio Dio - Tertium Organum; da capo

... or Worse!
     Factoring PC into the warfare equation - (bluke) - (18)
         Re: Factoring PC into the warfare equation - (gtall)
         What a display of wrong-headedness! - (Arkadiy) - (4)
             A war for annihilating a culture? - (marlowe) - (3)
                 The only reliable way to annihilate a culture is... - (Arkadiy) - (2)
                     If that culture cannot be taught not to attack us . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
                         Re: If that culture cannot be taught not to attack us . . - (Arkadiy)
         what's with all this Colin Powell stuff? - (cwbrenn) - (2)
             Haven't you heard? - (mmoffitt) - (1)
                 All I've read - (cwbrenn)
         *sigh* - (Brandioch) - (8)
             Domestic anthrax? - (cwbrenn) - (3)
                 Doesn't fit the other patterns. - (Brandioch) - (2)
                     Misguided attack. - (addison)
                     Could be a feint attack - (rsf)
             You arnt suggesting giving up all freedom? - (boxley) - (3)
                 I don't think he is - (tuberculosis)
                 Todd got it. - (Brandioch) - (1)
                     Good enough to become a working Creed, y'know? - (Ashton)

For those of you not versed in fine dining lingo, that is: Potato Bacon Cheez, fried noodle pockets, fried cheese, grease bread, cream cheese dip, chicken fingers, and fried fry.
49 ms