[Edit] As to tickets:
Dick Feynman and [link|http://www.inventions.org/culture/female/lamarr.html|Hedy Lamarr]
[she is said to have been *brilliant* - when that word hadn't become Ad-Muricanized.] Her discrete nude scenes in Ecstacy in '33 natch drew the stimulus/response Puritannical character assassination from the Yahoos, and of course her intellectual capabilities would have zero relevance to pop psych. I doubt that many then/now had/have an inkling about her smarts..
"Any girl can be glamorous," Hedy Lamarr once said. "All she has to do is stand still and look stupid." The film star belied her own apothegm by hiding a brilliant, inventive mind beneath her photogenic exterior. In 1942, at the height of her Hollywood career, she patented a frequency-switching system for torpedo guidance that was two decades ahead of its time.Love. It. and Her.
As you well know, RPF's 'humanity', his vast interest across many fields, would have suited him well for the office (who knows, really! - if this gedanken experiment could occur on some sane orthogonal Multiverse - if he'd take the job)
Oh well, back to ~3600 HOURS before we determine just how suicidal are our fellowMurican sheep. Bummer.