Post #158,492
6/5/04 1:20:56 AM
What a creep --
His kid damages a piece of maybe-saleable junk he picks up to hawk. Maybe for a song (and dance - "what, this old thing..?")
A Capital(ist) crime. Damn well no 'sentimental' attachment to this piece of stuff can be inferred.
The kid bloody well *owns* that PS-2 because: the sucker gave it to him. But he's Bigger. Take the kid's fav {form of mindless escape} in exchange for a couple $$ maybe lost; then again maybe not - he SOLD that f&*%*&$ bugle for $51. 192 sales in 4 months - clear where his real Interests lie.
I rather suspect that junior shall remember 'dad's little Lesson, long after pretending that he's forgiven the Martinet. No wonder some kids end up becoming Repos -- either beat up by the Irish or .. daddy.
Post #158,498
6/5/04 4:07:41 AM
Ash, Ash, Ash.
Maybe now the kid will have to LEAVE THE HOUSE and GO OUTSIDE...
...if only to go to his friend's house to play on the damn PS2 :)
I spent my childhood falling out of trees, playing footie and calling the big kids names, then running away.
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #158,499
6/5/04 4:59:17 AM
Yeah, I got that (incidental and Worthy) plus -
this just seems a cheesy way to get there, methinks - however tempting.
('Course none of us can guess the circumstances, and for all I know - the creepy one just might be a spoiled little brat, and Daddy just cut to the chase..)
Ah well, the life of an unpaid Dr. Phil is not an easy one
Agreed, falling out of trees must have made me what I am today, today - especially when tryin to demo to the neighbor kid that I was really a caped crusader - didn't help when the limb broke.
Post #158,530
6/5/04 12:51:10 PM
The kid does damage
and while he still lives in his parents' house, he is subject to their rules.
All the bad behavior needed to be punished. The lying, the drinking, the rampage, the staying out too late, etc.
This is no different than my taking away a toy gun from my son for his misbehaving with it and selling it at a garage sale.
What would you do, send the kid to his room so he can play on the PS2 for hours? This way he learns a lesson.
Ah for the good old days when spanking was a solution for every discipline problem. Get a big old paddle with holes in it and hit really hard. If the behavior repeats, hit harder. Schools used to do this as well and didn't have the discipline problems they have today. Oh well, let's just spoil the kid and give him even more games to play with. Send him to his room so he can play some more. Ground him to stay at home, where his PS2 is. Yeah, that'll teach him. Maybe he can find the time to finish GTA3 for his punishment? ;)
"What's the use of saving life when you see what you do with it?" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"
[link||I am from District 268].
Post #158,539
6/5/04 2:57:56 PM
Hit hard? If that doesn't work, hit HARDER? With a paddle? With holes in it?
Welcome to St Louis, Missouri. Where hitting your kids with sticks and pretending you're a space pirate go hand in hand.
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #158,568
6/5/04 7:00:45 PM
I said it was done before
but not anymore. Nor did I say I did it.
I'm currently using the time outs, and taking away of privileges of my son. Modern society prohibts me from spanking. I also take things way from him when he misbehaves as another punishment.
Know what? These things do not work, nor do they work for modern children. So either we go back to the basics of spanking, or we find something new that works. If not, we are doing nothing but raising spoiled brats.
I have yet to hear a solution from you, Mr. Know-It-all.
"What's the use of saving life when you see what you do with it?" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"
[link||I am from District 268].
Post #158,545
6/5/04 3:57:58 PM
That explains well enough
how you got where you are today.
cf. marlowe - another battered (non-)broad, with std Xian fixation on punishment .. for the Sheer Primitive Joy of -delivering it-
(PS - a little SALT through those holes can Super-size the experience and intensify your satisfiction.)
Get thee to a nunnery
Post #162,535
7/1/04 4:36:49 PM
An alternative
is to have a Drill Sargent from the Military work as a Vice-Principal and punish the children in a military style. Put them on KP duty, have them march around with backpacks on, do push-ups and sit-ups, etc.
More creative than anything Pathetic Peter ever suggested. I still wait for his response. Corporal Punishment may have been harsh, but it worked. No school-shootings either back then.
Yes I was beaten on knuckles with rulers by Nuns, the Vice Pricipal had a paddle. After these things happened, I straightened up, and no longer was punished because I did not act up anymore.
"What's the use of saving life when you see what you do with it?" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"
[link||I am from District 268].
Post #158,815
6/7/04 12:33:30 PM
I honestly thought you meant the son...
So, let's see.
Breaks daddy's thing - minor, probably not worth even a good talking-to
Disappears from a place he was supposed to be. Major infraction, at least some grounding time.
Brings a horde to his house w/o asking his parent's permission, turns the house into a pub for his friends. Weeel, if that's not utter lack of respect, I don't know what is. Somebody got to pay.
And to top it off, he breaks something important(*) (unlike the first item), something he was not suposed to touch. And he _lies_ about it. This is extraordinary. May be too late for phiysical punshment at 13, but the one used by parents is quite fitting. I would do something similar or worse. This kid needs to learn about consequences.
* - important, not just expensive.
Buy high, sell sober.
Post #158,900
6/7/04 8:10:28 PM
I Stand corrected
When I peeped the eBay ad, it stopped loading at second \ufffd. Didn't bother to reload, though the "Strike 1" would have led anyone with half a brain to try again..
Went back today - Ignorance Killz.
Concur on all points.
Ashton, Ignorant
At 13 -?- maybe euthanasia, er Youth in Asia. Likely waay Too Late for this nascent MBA on his way to Corporate; we'll be locking up the little sucker, at the cost of twice his MBA boot camp. In time.