Chavs, Neds, Townies, Kevs, Charvers, Steeks, Spides, Bazzas, Yarcos, Ratboys, Kappa Slappers, Skangers, Janners, Stigs, Scallies, whatever you know them as, this site is about them, Britains peasant underclass that are taking over our towns and cities!Got to Love Brit trash-word inventiveness, all with that certain soup\ufffdon of onomatopoeia and faint aroma of the Edgware Road + tossed cookies.
[cf. those pix documenting the Apple Powerbook scam, biting the scammer on his a\ufffd\ufffd.. Barber Bites Bogus Billabong; tears hair after enriching Her Majesty's Customs.. Damn - lost the link for that cute story of Comeuppance.]
Your Jim Davidson sounds like cloned from the rib of O'Rush & Company, but I see that Eminem's skummy shtik has not gone unnoticed, unreviled.
Oh please, tell us they Aren't taking over our towns and cities!
..and there's no Wimpy's atop Mam Tor. Yet.