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New Re: There is more to life than version control
I meant if there would be a *market* for DB-centric version control.
Something that snaps into CVS/PVCS/SourceSafe/whatever and makes it dead stupid simple to do, perhaps. But it would have to work with current source code repositories, which means file-based. People aren't going to want a separate tool with a separate repository, nor will they want something that requires maintaining an extra database instance.

Some shops don't care that much about version control
Such shops aren't likely to care about much of anything worth caring about either.

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New Dilbert reigns
Such shops aren't likely to care about much of anything worth caring about either.

Most shops are highly Dilbertian. That's life in Corporate American.
     Database migrations - (admin) - (26)
         re: Database migrations - (tablizer) - (25)
             re: Database migrations - (admin) - (24)
                 You Win! I give up! go with files - (tablizer) - (23)
                     bookmarked :-) -NT - (boxley)
                     Most of the time... - (ChrisR)
                     Finally. - (admin) - (20)
                         I was not there - (tablizer) - (19)
                             Re: I was not there - (admin) - (18)
                                 disk I/O confusion - (tablizer) - (17)
                                     Different machine. - (admin) - (16)
                                         parameter view and flex questions - (tablizer) - (15)
                                             Re: parameter view and flex questions - (admin) - (14)
                                                 perfect un-storm - (tablizer) - (13)
                                                     Re: perfect un-storm - (admin) - (12)
                                                         the rule or the exception - (tablizer) - (11)
                                                             Re: the rule or the exception - (admin) - (10)
                                                                 shop size phalic symbols - (tablizer) - (9)
                                                                     Re: shop size phalic symbols - (admin) - (8)
                                                                         DBAs != "extra" - (tablizer) - (7)
                                                                             Re: DBAs != "extra" - (admin) - (6)
                                                                                 There is more to life than version control - (tablizer) - (5)
                                                                                     Bryce, come to Philly on 7/4 - (deSitter) - (2)
                                                                                         Might be fun. - (admin) - (1)
                                                                                             warning: alchohol makes me irratable - (tablizer)
                                                                                     Re: There is more to life than version control - (admin) - (1)
                                                                                         Dilbert reigns - (tablizer)

This is why I am in therapy.
48 ms