Be happy I don't write in ALL CAPS!
If this annoys you so much that the value of my posts are not
worth it, then killfile me. I don't consider this abusing you or
your screen.
I'm sorry you feel it displays poorly. Either it will leave a bunch of
space to the right, which is not too awful, or it will leave a bunch
of jagged wrapped lines when you wrap before the spot I intended,
and that would suck.
I'm comfortable at about 50-60 characters per line for conversational
text. Hitting return at about that point ensures it.
But if that causes jaggedness, tell me what your typical line width
is and I'll try to adhere to it.
Sometimes, depending on the web site, depending on the variety of other
stuff shown, the automatic wrapping does not work. When the text is
displayed, it ends up constructing a box just a LITTLE bit wider than
the browser. If I make the browser wider, the box grows to match.
No matter how wide I make the broswer (and I have a 2 screen display),
I always have to use the LEFT<->RIGHT scrollbar on the bottom of the
This happens in both Mozilla and Konquerer to me.
One (but just one) of the reasons I hit Enter is to avoid that. Others
include the fact I often write posts in gvim and then cut&paste them in.
I always have hard returns in there. Yes, I am aware I can fiddle with
the pasting to join together continuous lines and drop the hard returns.
I don't want to!