We're already doing some of those things and I haven't even lost my job yet.
"Oh, and by the way, we will all be eating raman noodle for the next several months to stretch out the little savings we have."
We feed the family of five on less than $100 a week. Milk just went from $2 a gallon here to $3.59. We are now making our own milk using a combination of powdered and condensed milk for less than $1.70 a gallon. Our kids can't tell the difference, once it's cold.
"Oh, an no, you can't go to a movie with your friends, we can't afford it."
We have eased up somewhat on this one. But, we only go to the movies in the theatre about 3 times a year, anyway (Summer, Christmas, Spring Break). But we do have a "new" rule in the house that they can either rent videos or eat at a restaurant once on the weekend. Not both. No "dinner and a movie" for us.
"Oh, and we've had to cancel all vacation plans."
Pre-kids, I worked for American Airlines/SABRE (back when they were 1 company), and we travelled a lot until 1997. Since 2001, the family has not taken a flying vacation at all. Went to San Antonio 2 years ago, Houston last year, and we might actually do "both" this year. In Houston, we stay at Tina's best friend's house to avoid hotel costs.
"Oh, and no, you can't give the type of present to the other girl at the birthday party you want. Figure out something for $5. Oh, and wrap it with the comics, wrapping paper costs money. No, I don't really care what will happen at school and how people will talk about you, deal with it."
We already do this one. $5 (or less) limit for birthday parties. We only attend the b-day parties of their 2 closest friends. Only one of our kids has had a birthday party (ever), with friends over.
"And no, we can't afford to paint the house right now. "We will just have to deal with the neighbors glaring at us."
For us, it's the mini-blinds. The dog has broken them, and at $20 a window, we can't fix them all. So we leave them for now, and try to replace about 1 window a month. The painting thing will be coming around soon, 'cause our house is 6 years old now. I've been repairing the fence myself. No lawn service here.
"Oh, and the car just started smoking, feels like something serious, just let it go. What was that sound when you turned the wheel 1/2 way to the right? Did it sound dangerous? Nah, let it go."
We let it go until this summer. Then, this week, we had $1300 in repairs on our 1998 Windstar. But, it runs much better now. The reason I worked from home was that I didn't want to pay $40 a day for a rental, and my wife can't seem to get me to work at any decent time.
I worked 14 hours last weekend, about 50 this week. Even over the holiday, I've got to get our design documents to some kind of semi-complete state for a contractor who is visiting Monday.
So, you see Ashton, it's not all happiness in America. But don't blame us. There are VPs and Business Unit presidents out there right now, planning on layoffs and cutbacks, because "you're not working hard enough", and so they can get a $50,000 or $100,000 quarterly bonus. These guys have the yachts, and condos in San Francisco, while I just barely make the bills each month, and pay my taxes.