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New Duct tape?
But more seriously, a couple of issues here.

Are you are working for a company that will happily allow the Friday @ home, or will it cost you? If happily, fine, BUT ONLY WITH 1 KID or you will get no work done. The others go to day care.

If he can leave you alone, fine, then it works out. If he can't, then he's proven he NEEDS day care, he goes back to day care.

On the other hand, if it will cost you at work, even if you are allowed, don't do it. Find an alternative, many already stated.

Note: When working at home, a couple of rules:

Always be available. ALWAYS! If you need to to go out for a couple of minutes, email the boss (or his secretary) when you leave and when you come back.

If you have a Windows environment that is painful to access remotely, take responsibility. Do NOT have things screw up for access and blame the IT department. Make sure you have multiple ways to move files around, execute apps, get email.

When you are not getting work done for any of the various tech reasons that always pop up, YOU are at fault for being at home in the 1st place, and it WILL cost you if you can't resolve it with minimal business impact.

I work at home a LOT. I pick and choose my hours for the most part. And the reason is I am trusted. I'm trusted because I'm always available. Sure, I get stuff done, but that is secondary. I'd get stuff done if i was in the office too, and I'd be available as well. You have to make it as seemless as possible all interaction.

I setup almost all my access. I ssh to the servers, VPN on the Windows side, over cable modem. But if cable goes down I have dial-up to the Web based Exchange and ssh is still fast enough to move most stuff around on dialup.

And make sure your wife doesn't think you will take care of any chores during office hours. Those hours are for work. Office work.
New You


Having a life/family is not even #2 -





down the list and you must continuously PROVE that, no matter What emergency has occurred:

["I haven't forgotten Sir - Really I Have Not"]
{Oh Thank You, Massa - Thank You! *sob*}

New *Flame On*

You sit here and criticize, but I want to know how YOU handle a demanding job in IT that now makes 27% less than it did in 2000.

I want to know how YOU handle the need to BE THERE for your family, AND BE THERE for the company.

You say "f*ck the company", but it's not that easy. I have a mortgage, a car payment (thankfully, I don't have two), and the money demands of a wife and 3 small children.

It's Saturday morning, my wife is at work, and pretty much my whole day is 2 out of the 3 kids asking "Daddy, I need this", "Daddy, this isn't working", "Daddy" (and I like it). Then I have to worry what the 3rd kid is doing that he hasn't joined the "Daddy" chorus. But, I like my Saturdays, because once they're fed and dressed, then we can go stuff together.

Do you even have a wife and kids?
Expand Edited by gdaustin May 29, 2004, 12:25:19 PM EDT
New Tha't not a flame.
That's a civil complaint against someone who throws darts from the peanut gallery.

Don't remember about marital status, but Ash never had kids.

So he's never had to weigh the cost of an FU to a boss VS looking at your kids and saying: Daddy lost his job, it's a down economy, the housing market crashed so there is no equity in the house, there is no possibility of any type of cost-effective move, yet all the jobs in the current area pay 1/2 what I used to make, (AND I'LL HAVE TO WORK TWICE THE HOURS IN THE NEW JOB), and even if I found one far away, if it was at my current salary level, the local cost of living is much higher.

Oh, and by the way, we will all be eating raman noodle for the next several months to stretch out the little savings we have.

Oh, an no, you can't go to a movie with your friends, we can't afford it.

Oh, and we've had to cancel all vacation plans.

Oh, and no, you can't give the type of present to the other girl at the birthday party you want. Figure out something for $5. Oh, and wrap it with the comics, wrapping paper costs money. No, I don't really care what will happen at school and how people will talk about you, deal with it.

And no, we can't afford to paint the house right now. We will just have to deal with the neighbors glaring at us.

Oh, and the car just started smoking, feels like something serious, just let it go. What was that sound when you turned the wheel 1/2 way to the right? Did it sound dangerous? Nah, let it go.

OK Ash, get the the point?

The ONLY people who can AFFORD to think like you are either childless or wealthy. Wealthy in this context is someone with 2 years of living expenses in the bank. And even that may not be enough, since if someone in the tech industry is out of work that long, skills atrophy will kill most of them.

And what did I say? That during WORK hours, when someone is PAYING you to provide a service, that you ACTUALLY DO your job. As opposed to anything else. At all. Whenever possible.
Expand Edited by broomberg May 29, 2004, 11:54:07 AM EDT
Expand Edited by broomberg May 29, 2004, 11:55:29 AM EDT
Expand Edited by broomberg May 29, 2004, 11:56:38 AM EDT
New Funny
We're already doing some of those things and I haven't even lost my job yet.

"Oh, and by the way, we will all be eating raman noodle for the next several months to stretch out the little savings we have."

We feed the family of five on less than $100 a week. Milk just went from $2 a gallon here to $3.59. We are now making our own milk using a combination of powdered and condensed milk for less than $1.70 a gallon. Our kids can't tell the difference, once it's cold.

"Oh, an no, you can't go to a movie with your friends, we can't afford it."

We have eased up somewhat on this one. But, we only go to the movies in the theatre about 3 times a year, anyway (Summer, Christmas, Spring Break). But we do have a "new" rule in the house that they can either rent videos or eat at a restaurant once on the weekend. Not both. No "dinner and a movie" for us.

"Oh, and we've had to cancel all vacation plans."

Pre-kids, I worked for American Airlines/SABRE (back when they were 1 company), and we travelled a lot until 1997. Since 2001, the family has not taken a flying vacation at all. Went to San Antonio 2 years ago, Houston last year, and we might actually do "both" this year. In Houston, we stay at Tina's best friend's house to avoid hotel costs.

"Oh, and no, you can't give the type of present to the other girl at the birthday party you want. Figure out something for $5. Oh, and wrap it with the comics, wrapping paper costs money. No, I don't really care what will happen at school and how people will talk about you, deal with it."

We already do this one. $5 (or less) limit for birthday parties. We only attend the b-day parties of their 2 closest friends. Only one of our kids has had a birthday party (ever), with friends over.

"And no, we can't afford to paint the house right now. "We will just have to deal with the neighbors glaring at us."

For us, it's the mini-blinds. The dog has broken them, and at $20 a window, we can't fix them all. So we leave them for now, and try to replace about 1 window a month. The painting thing will be coming around soon, 'cause our house is 6 years old now. I've been repairing the fence myself. No lawn service here.

"Oh, and the car just started smoking, feels like something serious, just let it go. What was that sound when you turned the wheel 1/2 way to the right? Did it sound dangerous? Nah, let it go."

We let it go until this summer. Then, this week, we had $1300 in repairs on our 1998 Windstar. But, it runs much better now. The reason I worked from home was that I didn't want to pay $40 a day for a rental, and my wife can't seem to get me to work at any decent time.

I worked 14 hours last weekend, about 50 this week. Even over the holiday, I've got to get our design documents to some kind of semi-complete state for a contractor who is visiting Monday.

So, you see Ashton, it's not all happiness in America. But don't blame us. There are VPs and Business Unit presidents out there right now, planning on layoffs and cutbacks, because "you're not working hard enough", and so they can get a $50,000 or $100,000 quarterly bonus. These guys have the yachts, and condos in San Francisco, while I just barely make the bills each month, and pay my taxes.

New If you do visit

Went to San Antonio 2 years ago, Houston last year, and we might actually do "both" this year.

If you do come down to Houston this year, give Spiceware and me a call. It's not every day that you can meet two IWETHEYers at one time.
"Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times
[link|mailto:bconnors@ev1.net|contact me]
New Don't see how..
you could interpret my remarks as blaming 'You' or others in your position.

Please see my reply to Barry. I don't see any remedies, so long as 'Corporate' treats you 'unprofessionally' -- all homogenized as "certificated" Beastworkers, with no competence (or desire!) to discriminate the truly able amongst you - and value that expertise as they do those in other bizness-categories, with gobbledygook names ~

Human Relations Morale Problem-solving Specialist, Grade VI ?

I certainly cannot claim to have "Been There". I've never been exposed to the grade of ingratitude for services rendered -- which are the majority of stories here and all over. I've also never had idiots for 'bosses', nor have I been tempted to be an idiot-boss, when responsible for others' work. Lucky moi.

That small oasis in Murica and 'those times' appear to be Dead - the only Question is: how permanently -?-

I can only sincerely hope that you manage to find a workplace that is not the norm, and where there are a few capable of comprehending what it is you do. I can't know your actual abilities, of course - but cannot doubt that you pay full attention to your tasks. That used to be.. more than enough. I see that it no longer is. How we got here.. that one can sink 1000 boatloads of posts.


New Blame?
Fixing blame - on the victims !? Plenty of that to spin wheels over I suppose, beginning with - repeatedly voting-in those who continue to loosen oversight on the vast concentrations of wealth that mostly reside at the top of the Corporate hegemon. Surely akin to stroking the belly of a boa who has already swallowed your head?

Obv any serious efforts toward sane "solution" is so entwined in the myth of there beeing a 'Free Market' -- there are no standard recipes, only those hoary slogans to overcome. When someone discovers that 'society-member' is a larger Class than 'bizness board', will be the beginning of *reform of the flight of most-all wealth to the fewer and fewer. Muricans don't like to do stuff like that, though - it requires thought.

* if any more than chicken-feed is still left in general circulation, that is.

[link|http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2004/05/29/BUGJR6TNND1.DTL| Dave Murphy] describes here just one symptom of -

WE OWN YOU 105% 24/7 --> (that's Our Mission Statement and it's OK because Everyone is Doing It cha cha cha)

I believe I understand, very approximately How It Is, to keep a tenuous 'position' in a Corp, of late. That is, I don't imagine that posters here (or elsewhere) are making up the reports from the field.

But in '04 Murica not Everyone is, "you poor bastards".
Obviously those on the 'soft' rungs of that Corp ladder are treated differently.

Yes of course, you are expected to "do your job"; but I see from all those reports - that your 'job' has become an open-ended hrs/week or /day affair: in *IT*.

Nobody here has even seriously imagined creating anything like a Professional Org - whether or not the tag Union is attached - so apparently you each (still) prefer to hang separately. Whether the topic is vacation days /year, health care as temp, full-time or contractee, or other bargaining points: There are still no 'standards' for sane treatment of people in your specialty, and it seems unlikely there will be any action to create such. Yet.

I can't guess how most of you manage to swallow the conditions I've heard described, as a regular daily environment. Not only are your bosses regularly functioning well past their level of competence - right out of The Peter Principle - but there appears ingrained.. a 'class distinction':

Quite opposite of being appreciated for the messy arcanery with which you deal, I gather that the general Corp attitude towards IT is somewhat more disdainful than towards, say custodians. I see that attitude as a familiar one - the ignorant enjoying power over 'subordinates' (who, too often: see the inanity of uninformed really Stupid 'plans'. Nobody likes to be Caught Out..)

Clearly, you are not treated as the other "professionals" in our culture. Of course, they have Associations (and a much longer tradition.. like the priests have).

Corp is singularly ungrateful for the work you do, and generally incapable of grasping, thus discriminating the quality of the efforts made. It has to be hard -?- to work amidst institutionalized ingratitude -- and the impossibility of even explaining what you have done, (were there the slightest interest shown).

So to me it seems -- if you are very very good, incredibly fast, ruthless towards many and practically error-free in your operations, you can make some decent money - though never with the slightest security in the long term. Surely you have much less security than in *any* suited-position. (I've always known folks in suit- positions, so I have some basis of comparison with their tales.)

I wonder if any person here, still recommends to ~interested [actual friends] that they go into IT work of any kind [?] (I got no answer that that one, recently at N.A.U. in Flagstaff. Either.)

Could any improvement in Corp 'perception' be imagined, worked towards? With each IT person a Loner, with no organization whatsoever? I'd guess: not. No squeaky wheel / no oil.

Maybe the vast inequities of Murican bizness compensation are unassailable just now, amidst all the noise of current wars and general financial decline - but I can't think of another job description guaranteed to produce as sucky a working environment as IT. Not one, from janitor on. OK - maybe in a Tyson chicken factory.. (IT folk must have had the world's very first beepers.)

Long term.. I hope that each of you can find a lateral arabesque to {Something}, because the difficulties inherent in s/ware, hardware are great teachers of problem solving generally. This has got to be useful in countless tasks - only the marketing need be added. Even if coding is kinda fun. And yes, I do have some experience in the 'fun' of solving techno- style problems. Just not in the current madness. Thank Siva.

(BTW even without children, there are always others dependent - so hardly anyone can afford the luxury of Fuck Off, in the heat of a moment.) In saner times and other fields, though - a succession of insoluble heat-producing moments used to lead to getting out of a chicken outfit.

Are there Only chicken outfits left in Murica? Some believe that the handy rubric of 'globalization' will serve to tighten the screws until everyone is completely Mad, and their children, unsupervised and untaught - shall be the ones to grab the torches and pitchforks. Some think.. nobody has the guts + (extra) sweat available - to "organize" anything.

I guess we'll see.

All I can wish in the circumstances is - LUCK. And, I do.


New Don't know why ...
... if it was because I know the feelling all too well, or if you were having a lucid moment, but that was the longest post of yours I've ever read and gotten it all on the first pass.

Implicitly condoning stupidity since 2001.
New 3 kids
8, 7, and 3 1/2 Either they all go to day care or they all stay home. If they all stay home, I save about $300 a month during the summer, and $500 a month during the school year. Not chump change. I'm in line at work to be promoted to a system architect, the position directly above me is open. I've been promised the job, but I have to "perform". I've been told I'm "doing a great job".

When all 3 kids are home, I'm about 1/2 as productive as I am at work. But conference calls and such are really bad because my kids want to interrupt.

I worked from home 2 days last week, kids at school. I was supposed to get design documentation done. I didn't get as much done as I would like, mainly because my wife had a list of items that needed to be taken care of. I had worked the previous weekend. Now I've got to work some this weekend to catch up. Friday, I worked at the office. At the office, I have two people who work with me that want to "chat", plus I'm training my new maanger. My principal timewaster probably took about 1 hour from my day, the 2nd 30 minutes. I ended up staying late to train my new manager (1 1/2 hours), and take a 4pm conference call (1 1/2 hours). The VP sent everyone else home at 2pm. I left about 5:30pm. In the 7 hours, I was in the office, about 6 hours were taken up in "team leader" activites, and only about an hour was available to design/document stuff.

Part of the problem is that I'm a "nice guy" who doesn't like to brush off people easily. I need "deadlines" to press me to complete things. So far, I haven't been given deadlines, I've been expected to come up with my own.

Part of the problem is that I'm team leader of 4 people, project manager, and the principal architect on the project. I have a new manager. There aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done. I've made my priority to keep everyone working on relevant stuff, but that has push things like "high level design documents" to the background.

I'm frustrated. I have another job offer, but I'd rather do Linux/J2EE/Oracle than .Net and all things Microsoft.

But, I could bail out for about 15% more money.

Glen Austin

Expand Edited by gdaustin May 29, 2004, 11:07:13 AM EDT
     Childcare Problem - (gdaustin) - (17)
         Depending on the child and the neighborhood etc - (boxley)
         See if a neighborhood teen would be willing to stay - (jbrabeck)
         "It takes a village to raise a family..." - (ben_tilly)
         Vacation Bible School? Camp? Summer job? Summer school? - (Another Scott) - (10)
             Duct tape? - (broomberg) - (9)
                 You - (Ashton) - (7)
                     *Flame On* - (gdaustin) - (6)
                         Tha't not a flame. - (broomberg) - (5)
                             Funny - (gdaustin) - (2)
                                 If you do visit - (lincoln)
                                 Don't see how.. - (Ashton)
                             Blame? - (Ashton) - (1)
                                 Don't know why ... - (drewk)
                 3 kids - (gdaustin)
         Update - (gdaustin) - (2)
             That sure sounds good. -NT - (a6l6e6x)
             Great news - (jbrabeck)

Hitotsu, futatsu, mittsu, yottsu.
66 ms