From Eric Raymond - a quote re Ken Brown's upcoming book on how Linus stole Linux ...

"I began reading the excerpts skeptical of the widespread conspiracy theory that this book is a paid hatchet job commissioned by Microsoft. Now I find this theory much more credible. I can't imagine how anyone would want their names on a disgrace like this unless they were getting paid extremely well for undergoing the humiliation. . . .

Another GEM ...
"As for whether it was possible to produce Linux in the amount of time involved \ufffd it is never wise to assume that genius programmers cannot do something because the incompetent or mediocre cannot. Especially when, as in Linus's case, the genius already has a clear interface description and a mental model of what he needs to accomplish. . . .

Yet again Pamela Jones does us all proud with her repository of Open Source commentary. [link||http://www.groklaw.n...20040527170120747]


Doug Marker

#2 Added this excellent NewsForge expose of Ken Brown's packet of 'brown stuff' ...