since I learned it, so my books are woefully out of date. And I abandoned it for Perl, after coding in it for about 10 years! On the other hand, I suspect the 'C' on the Tandem box is "vintage", so I might be of help. I'll check my bookshelf later.

One book I do remember enjoying, was named (appropriately enough)
C Traps and Pitfalls


It is REALLY good.

Go get it.

I learned from the original K&R book, along with the Xenix man pages.

This is the updated version for ANSI C. Probably a good place to start.

This is a must buy:
Standard C Library, The

C is NOTHING to start with. A very low level language. Basically a step above assembly with some syntactic sugar. But add in the standard libs and you can do magic. FAST magic.

PJ Plauger is a great tech writer. I've been reading articles from him for years, bought the original version of this book, and it was a very good resource. He also did a series about building the libs from scratch. A good path to go down to really understand what is going on.

If you make it through these books, going through examples, while simultaneously reviewing the crap that other people wrote, you will have a good headstart in the language.