I have the ze4560. It's solid, heavy, and about 2 1/2 hours of battery life. Lithium Ion battery.
Mine would have been perfect had my nephew not dropped it with the CD Rom door open. But HP did fix it under warranty, but only after 3 attempts. I think the 3rd time's the charm, 'cause it works great now!
So, I'm back to being happy with HP (except that Carly Fiorina has to go).
I like the 15 inch screen better than the Dell D600 the company gave me. Not because it's bigger (15 vs. 14), but because the HP is brighter. The Dell feels cheap. But, to the Dell's credit, the battery life on the Dell is about 4 hours, unless I use the CD Rom heavily.
I have 2 HPs and 3 Compaqs at home. The HPs win by a mile! The Compaqs are cheap. You made the right decision.