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New Re: Did the panorama fool you ?
I had this 10 in wide 1 in high image. Then I realised that was it. Had to save it then view it with some other software.
That's likely because you're using MSIE on a Wintel box, and some deeply-buried preference is set to fit large images into the existing window size. Disable that setting and you'll be able to see the panorama at full size from within your browser.

Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist.
New Actually, just switch machines ...

I have 4 servers but I tend to use 1 machine with XP & MSIE for net browsing. I actully do it deliberately just to get the worst of what MSIE offers so I can speak confidently of its fabric.

For email I use Netscape 7.1 (just can't bring myself to be so suicidal as to use both MSIE & Outlook Express on one of my own computers. At least at work we have two firewalls & expensive filters).

Cheers Doug


"Blinding ignorance does mislead us. O! Wretched mortals, open your eyes!".

-- Leonardo Da Vinci
     Chernobyl motorcicle tour is a fake - (Arkadiy) - (8)
         Damn indeed - there goes my fantasy for a dual - (Ashton) - (4)
             Did the panorama fool you ? - (dmarker) - (3)
                 No problemo; both 'reports' are still suspect, IMO - (Ashton)
                 Re: Did the panorama fool you ? - (rcareaga) - (1)
                     Actually, just switch machines ... - (dmarker)
         Thanks. Some/most of the bike photos were staged. - (Another Scott) - (2)
             Staged, yes, but I thought they were staged in the right - (Arkadiy) - (1)
                 AFAIK, yes she was there. I was referring to the crib, etc. -NT - (Another Scott)

What a 'tard.
34 ms