Post #156,432
5/22/04 7:17:45 PM

re: HQL is a superset of SQL
The query language is integral to the O-R mapper, and vice versa, in that it returns objects.
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #156,440
5/22/04 7:44:37 PM

Forced to use A to get B? Tsk tsk tsk. How MS of them.
Post #156,441
5/22/04 7:46:46 PM

You miss the point, anyway.
HQL can be used against any database engine.
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #156,451
5/22/04 9:17:03 PM

I am not necessarily disagreeing with that here
I am only saying that a better and/or vender-neutral query language/system is or can be orthogonal to O-R mappers.
Post #156,455
5/22/04 9:49:59 PM

Re: I am not necessarily disagreeing with that here
At this point, it is not orthogonal. It exists for Hibernate, and it was easy to write because of OO. If you disagree, prove me wrong. Otherwise concede the point.
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #156,461
5/23/04 12:08:31 AM
5/23/04 12:10:06 AM

not my burden of evidence
It exists for Hibernate, and it was easy to write because of OO. If you disagree, prove me wrong. Otherwise concede the point. By "easy to write", do you mean using the framework or making the framework? You have the burden of showing something being "easy". Remember: "Equal, subjective, or unknown until proven otherwise". I can accept that my preferences may be purely a subjective mindfit. If you believe OO is some universal truth and/or a slum-dunk improvement, then it is your burden to show it.

Edited by tablizer
May 23, 2004, 12:10:06 AM EDT
Post #156,464
5/23/04 12:37:46 AM

Hibernate exists. Your mythical über SQL doesn't. If your version is even as good, let alone better, then you need to show it. Otherwise it's vaporware.
Now go answer or concede the other points.
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #156,468
5/23/04 12:56:18 AM

exist != good
Hibernate exists. Your mythical \ufffdber SQL doesn't. If your version is even as good, let alone better, then you need to show it. Otherwise it's vaporware. Mere existence does not necessarily lead to goodness. You need to explain why it is so good using code. Show me something that procedural or raw SQL MUST result in a mess with. Nor am I going to compete with an army of programmers to build a clone of Hibernate all by myself. That is not a realistic request. I can perhaps show specific aspects though. And being DB-neutral is moot because you are tied to Hibernate in a similar way. You are applying a double-standard.
Post #156,469
5/23/04 1:00:41 AM

Existence beats Non-Existence
Post #156,486
5/23/04 9:29:00 AM

I've already shown you.
Go answer or concede the other points.
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #156,491
5/23/04 10:21:45 AM

Hm. So I can make any claim and force you to prove me wrong?
You started this debate with some wild claims. Are you saying now "that was just subjective?" Remember: "Equal, subjective, or unknown until proven otherwise". Nice ideal. But they're in reverse order. If you want your claims to move from unknown/subjective to equal, the burden is on *you*. That's life. Suck it up.
Post #156,493
5/23/04 10:52:58 AM
5/23/04 10:53:33 AM

Actually, what he said was:
"You spend all your code translating back and forth between two discordant paradigms."
So he made a very specific claim in this instance. ;-)
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."

Edited by admin
May 23, 2004, 10:53:33 AM EDT