I've never claimed that _every_ O-R mapper is chicken soup
Note that liking OO does not mean you automatically know a given O-R framework off the mark.
True, but when it's bloody simple... the Dejavu "O-R framework" comes down to:
1. Units, which you subclass for your core data, and which only have three methods most app developers will use:
a. set_property (a classmethod)
b. memorize (makes a new Unit object persistent)
c. forget (destroys a Unit)
2. A namespace, which manages Units. That only has three methods:
a. associate(class, key, far_class, far_key), which oddly enough associates two Unit classes;
b. recall(class, expression), and
c. unit(class, ID=?), both of which retrieve Units
3. logic.Expression(<Python expression>), which makes an object out of an expression.
...all Python, all the time. I admit that if you've done all your OO in Java, then you have to learn Python to use Dejavu. But c.l.p. is replete with stories of programmers, both novices and experts, picking up 95% of Python within a week or two--it's designed to be easy to learn, natural, and expressive.
I don't see any of this as "bloatware".